
“The Charger is the last RWD full-size American sedan.” — sure yes, but there are other RWD full-size sedans out there for somebody looking for a full-side sedan. And “American” is a misnomer for a car assembled in Canada for a company run by Italians.

Let he who doesn’t chop his parmesan cheese with a credit card cast the first stone.

The great thing about this comment is, it would have been just as valid had the Vikings NOT won after blowing a 17 point lead.

Is Drew dead

Another fun fact: Goo Jesus was Peter North’s original stage name.

A Sentra. If you’ve never read the article, you’re in for a treat. It’s probably one of the best bits of car-related wonderful in history.

For Audi, VIN stands for Vehicles w/ Identical Numbers

I hop nobody was injured.