
Yeah, not sure if a game about woodland critters would go well.

If you factor in that a 12-month digital card is $59.00 right now, that works out to $4.92 a month. If you multiply that times 3 months, you get $14.75. So in essence, you are paying $10.24 for Rocket League, instead of paying $19.99 (plus tax if applicable in your state). I know it is only $9.75 in savings, but

If you factor in that a 12-month digital card is $59.00 right now, that works out to $4.92 a month. If you multiply

Technically, the album is Discovery, unless you are counting it being released as a single with some B-Side songs. Still a great song and album. I have played Discovery all the way through quite a lot, as most of the songs hit well. It was my first big intro into Daft Punk, as I really didn’t know about them when

There was a free weekend trial for 2K16 a month or two back, it was not good. I hadn’t played any WWF(E) games since N64 as well, and this is a lot different. The moves seem more Street Fighter than wrestling. Could not win a single match or even pin an opponent because of the millisecond timing to do anything. Also,