

Nothing will ever top the great joy of the teaser for one of the season finales of Mad Men which had Henry ominously say “HE’S GOT BIGGER SECRETS THAN THAT, BETTY”...

“Sam and Diane flirt, don’t fuck. Cliff says some bullshit”

Indeed, and oftentimes they were written after the fact for DVD releases or syndication. Which is why they are frequently literal plot rehashes.

Those descriptions perfectly describe what Twin Peaks: The Return was like, to be fair

should have done this from the beginning of the show

I’m ready to call it: this show was a one season wonder and each of the subsequent seasons has been worse than the last

At this point, he is such a big draw that not having him in the big team up event movies would look bad AND be bad business. Post-Thanos, I assume these assemble type movies will only deal with cosmic level threats and not, like, Ultron.

There are also six new Avengers, less Ant-Man:

At this rate, we will get a one off reference in Iron Fist season 2 to the time “flag waver’s friends disappeared” but nobody cared about the REAL PEOPLE involved. And then Jeph Loeb will say “#itsallconnected”.

My expectation is that everyone currently alive will die considering that no future Iron Man, Captain America, or Hulk movies are likely to be made. Hawkeye isn’t getting a solo movie, Black Widow is only ever talked about as a prequel. Thor could have more movies in him, but he’s also the only one who could plausibly

I mean, pending the outcome of Avengers 4, it might have to be a prequel.

Yeah, it is shocking to me that people have really bought into the whole “we need female directors but only for movies about female protagonists” premise (they have done the same thing with minority characters). It’s basically ghettoization, why not let a woman direct The Avengers? Or is that too big an ask?

Didn’t they sign Sebastian Stan to, like, a 12 movie deal?

The the old school hipster IPA snobbery hasn’t helped. If I have to hear one more person tell me that liking wheat beers is the equivalent of dumping ketchup on everything you eat, I’m going to punch them in the face. It’s perfectly possible to like beers that aren’t actively overwhelming and not be a complete fucking

I could never do this. Disappointing restaurant experiences are the worst for me, it’s time, money, and calories gone to waste. I would rather order the safest thing on a menu than risk disappointment.

I remember a similar situation with corned beef hash. The server straight up told me that one was made in house with local corned beef brisket and vegetables while the other one came from the can.

“It was all a dream” is the lowest form of narrative experimentation

one of my favorites was an article premised entirely on the SHOCKING revelation that Cinco de Mayo isn’t Mexican Independence Day which like... just because you never knew something doesn’t make it a REVELATION

Really depends on your circumstances. My sister in law lives in Brooklyn. I have been to NYC dozens of times. I’ve done the touristy stuff. I’ve done the stuff that they tell tourists isn’t the touristy stuff but actually is. I’ve done the off-off touristy stuff (yeah, sure, let’s ride the Staten Island Railway). My