I think it meant the Riverlands, Westerlands and Stormlands.
I think it meant the Riverlands, Westerlands and Stormlands.
Defending it wouldn't be a mistake at all, you should force Dany into a siege just to bleed some of her resources. Even doomed military campaigns can succeed by becoming wars of attrition
One of GRRM's major conceits is that every house in Westeros is on the brink of dynastic collapse except the Lannisters,Tyrells and Arens. In the course of the books, the Starks nearly go totally extinct and the Targs/Baratheons straight up do.
It's an incredible strategic value, though, which is why the Targaryens gave it to their crown princes.
I can't wait for her bitchslap Cousin Jorah when they inevitably meet up.
Wasn't a problem for the Targaryens.
Which raises the question of why Dany didn't send some of her armada down to take Storm's End.
I think her claim to the throne is that the entire country is basically non-existent at this point.
Cersei shouldn't even be queen, it should pass to whoever Robert's nearest living relative was. That was the dumbest part of the last finale… it basically suggests Cersei is ruling over the Westerlands and the Riverlands only.
Shit, it's within a single day's sailing of King's Landing on a straight shot. It's the point from which the original Targ invasion was launched for fucks sake and you KNEW she was going there first. That is a place to make a stand, man.
The same reason they felt compelled to turn away their only potential ally, offering them unmatched naval power, while an enemy fleet encroached upon their territory thus giving up any chance of a blockade and allowing Dany the chance to gain a foothold in Westeros without a fight: just cause.
All those spoilers I read were real!
Outright, only slightly modulated racism is alive and well in most of the country in suburban areas, too. Surely you have heard the old "That area is getting bad (read: black)" line?
Yep. The one thing I encounter with people when topics like gentrification, microagressions, or cultural appropriation come up is a lack of understanding of how these things are harmful. Everyone with a brain really does get that the KKK is evil, that black people should have the same opportunities as white people.…
this is a famous copypasta.
Presumably this was a reference to Redbone, which uses the phrase in a context that is very far removed from it's social justice meaning, rather than the "woke baes" of Twitterdom?
YES, she is straight up playing Shelley Long.
Norma's mother appeared in like 3 episodes of the show. Frost has openly said the book contained continuity errors and that these were inserted intentionally.
There are some massive inconsistencies in it, though. Like Norma's mom being dead in 1986 when she is in the original series in 1989. Some of it was apparently intentional.
The Secret History of Twin Peaks is only semi-cannon and Lynch has pointedly never read it.