Starred for sincerity.
Starred for sincerity.
It doesn’t take very long to get a decent reference. The amount of tomato-related information and people out there is staggering.
I hope you overcome your disability. Don’t let the hate control you. Rise above.
I mean, continue believing that kind of trash propaganda if you want.
Completely agree. There are many other acts of vandalism stemming from the left though. Just google around Antifa. It’s pretty entertaining tbh.
Does it really matter whether they are or not? Honestly. The presumption on the left these days is that everyone is racist. The left is diluting the entire concept to the point of non-existence. Everyone is racist, therefore no one is racist. If everything is racist, then racism fails to exist.
That’s a fake story, not that it matters to the left.
You don’t even know that a Bernie Bro shot up a GOP baseball game. You don’t know what Maxine Waters said about harassing Trump supporters. You just sit there like an idiot asking for evidence. It’s a common tactic you all use, the “prove everything to me” followed by a couple rounds of, as you say,…
If money is your worry you should not that all the richest people support the left. Ask yourself why. And realize that your lovely “asylum seekers” need money. YOU will be paying for their daily lives.
When you get shot by police, will anyone protest for you?
“Remember that one time he asked that a disruptive, unstable protester get thrown out? Yeah, that was when I realized that he really was Hitler after all.”
You retards couldn’t even beat Hillary in the primary. Good luck with these grand objectives.
It’s absurd to say that Trump is encouraging violence when the left has tried to murder GOP senators, routinely incites violence through Antifa, and has low-IQ congresspeople like Maxine Waters that instruct crowds to shout down and harass Trump supporters. You don’t need a source for objective reality.
Are you like 12 or something?
Well... Kristallnacht definitely did happen.............
This is a fake scandal created by Democrats who are afraid of this man.
Tom Brady doesn’t choke.
Everything you say is true. I would only add that we are winning. And we will continue to win until we finally build the dictatorship we have awaited for so long. A dictatorship so vast and brutal that we will reshape the globe, and then - space. We are space-alien magician fascists and we are going to get you. …
You’ve got to go back.
How low is your IQ? I just wrote down some things we both know happened and your response is “You said nothing.”