Garrett O'Kelly

This fall on CBS, Justice is Blind.


Only the Good Die Young is even better IMO

Ethan Hunt must steal some microchip off a satelite. Have Tom Cruise actually to a Space Walk with a small leak in his suit or something.

Although I'm not a fan, Whedon would seem like a good fit for the 6th film in a light, breezy action series. Avengers it up with references to how "IMPOSSIBLE" this shit is.

I would have agreed with you back in 2006. But somehow the 4th movie really has brought the first 3 into clearer focus and they now seem like the first couple albums of a Great Rock Band. They are rough and still finding out what works, but you appreciate them because they have the seeds of greatness the band will

But not stoked enough to check out at least one of the first 3 movies? At least give 1 or 3 a shot before Rogue Nation. You NEVER have to watch 2 though. Having Laurence Olivier do your Dental Work is more entertaining than that flick.

…while they get back to developing their script and storyboards for "Comic Book Sequel # 8"

A Left Field Home Run is when Spielberg directs a movie and it gets good reviews and healthy box office. Which is to say it's quite common these days.

So we can watch Simon Pegg watch every action scene with Tom Cruise on an IPAD or Samsung Galaxy.

Brad Bird is like Babe Ruth. An awesome pitcher (Animation Director) who turned out to also be able to swing the bat better than most (Live Action, Blockbuster Franchise).

I believe IV was the first one I ever saw, on TNT or TBS, circa 1995, I was 8. It was glorious.

It's funny, Rocky II is the only one I can't remember anything about, except the first scene where Apollo Creed gives a Press Conference from a wheelchair.

Get Travolta in it too and make it a Pulp Fiction/Look Who's Talking Reunion.

I like how Chris and Claire get sealed up in those plastic tubes and immediately start firing bullets at the tubes without a single ricochet from 6 inches away hitting them. And the looks on Wesker's face whenever he gets stabbed or shot.

Once I got over how poor they are as adaptations of the games, I find them pleasantly enjoyable. But nothing on the level as when I was 11 playing Resident Evil 2 on PS1 with my friends during a sleepover I had.

Someone should cut together the best parts of the first 4 movies and make it one satisfying 105 minute feature.

Yeah that first half of You Only Live Twice is up there with the middle hour of From Russia With Love as the best of the Connery Bonds.

just a bad person then.

I like my dogs and Grandmothers dead, what's the problem there?