Garrett O'Kelly

How about Kerry Washington for Susannah? Only African American actress I can see pulling off the Detta Walker bits without coming off as terribly unsympathetic and unlikeable. I think that separate actors who look similar should play Walter and Flagg, or Marten and Flagg, or… Goddamit, I've read the series twice and I

So you think that a 60 year old Timothy Olyphant would make a good Roland? What the fuck is with all these people picturing Roland as Gene Hackman in the Quick and the Dead? The character is 15 when he starts his quest for the dark tower, and the illustrations show someone in their late 40's at most.

? Where does it say that Roland looks like an old man? You know that grey hair can be natural in men under 55, right? I always assumed Roland was that movie age: age 38-52, grizzled as shit so it could go either way.

Not bad, although Ray Winstone is like a tougher, shorter Gleeson. Maybe Mickey Rourke in a nice cameo?

Hugh Jackman with blue contacts for Roland. Have him do that Clint Eastwood snarl impression he does in the first Xmen film.

Yes, only possible choice, who else could play the Father of a Clint Eastwood Homage? The original Clint Eastwood Homager, of course! By the way, how come nobody ever mentions Hugh Jackman when they fantasy cast Roland? I mean if your gonna seriously consider Javier Bardem….

I don't get how it would have been impossible to have them live happily ever after. Have them survive and then go off to build a cabin in the woods while Roland climbs the tower. Not the ending I wanted, but not impossible. I personally would have like a short epilogue that wraps back to the introduction of each of

How the hell could you spend so much time reading all 1,000 pages of the first 3 books and just stop there, without even a whiff of a resolution? The 2nd act of the whole 7.5 book story doesn't begin until halfway through Book 3.

Boy, would some of those crappy VOD and Netflix streaming only movies sure could benefit (for me, anyway) from being seen at a Drive-In on a Saturday night as a double feature. Bring the beer and the weed, make a night of it. Instead it's watching a depressing movie on your computer with or without company. The fact

Here from the future to say even if they find the money Obi-Wan still "wins." He may go to jail for a little while (with that shoulder wound you can bet the whole sentence would be spent in the infirmary doing physical therapy and painful surgeries) but he didn't murder anyone, didn't fuck off to Rio to evade the

Here from the future to say even if they find the money Obi-Wan still "wins." He may go to jail for a little while (with that shoulder wound you can bet the whole sentence would be spent in the infirmary doing physical therapy and painful surgeries) but he didn't murder anyone, didn't fuck off to Rio to evade the

I know I'm late on this one, but basically you're saying that I'm a piece of shit, according to your rubric up there. I liked Paul songs more when I was a teenager but now I'm more into John (and his solo albums as well).

Tim Roth is also one of the forerunners in the U.K.'s acting technique of lowering your voice 50 registers to portray an American. See also Jude Law, Damien Lewis, and Hugh Laurie. When you hear their Natural English Accents sometimes it's hilarious and actually Ironic in that they sound like Dick Van Dyke in Mary

Crazy to be posting on a 4 year old review of a film, but also see: Jude Law, Cold Mountain. That performance helped me develop the theory that they key in turning your normal limey accent into a tough american's accent (any region) is to just pitch your voice down to the "frog in your throat" range, and then mumble