
Dead tech before it is even popular.

Can anyone confirm that there is a standard satellite view??

Whole office looked at me as I started laughing hysterically.

Whoa.... Where can I find the video for this? Looks awesome!

First thing I thought of!!!

Everybody is too critical. Her nose was $10,000 and the other $990,000 was for the embarrassment compensation.

I don't understand your point?

I know I am like most people now who cannot live without their smartphone. I don't get all these people who suggest I don't need it. I wonder if these are the same people who said they don't need a cell phone when the first became popular. And yes, Angry Birds is worth the $20 a month.

I get your point... But to go back to the AOL days. That is just absurd!!!!

You mean the free gum? I love getting a VCR and Chiclets.

How about i just take your word for it. What you described sounds like exercise. :/

Should I be laughing... Because I am...

My Nexus show what apps have used what data. Consistently, [] is at the very top at least doubling any other app. (probably because I try and use data intense apps on wifi to avoid over charges)

For my household, 100%.

Puns Intended???!!!

Thank You for the laugh today.

Is it really just called 'the New iPad"?

Never thought about using that as a selling point. Thanks!!

I was a little worried about that at first too. I wonder if it is for tax purposes because their income is created from people like you and I.