Garrett Aja

Steve Gerber was appalled by Howard and Bev having sex in those black and white issues, though, so it's not really true to the original comics in the eyes of its creator. (It doesn't hurt that he based Howard and Bev's friendship on his with fellow comic book and animation writer Mary Skrenes, so there was definitely

I'm not sure what G.I. Joe cartoon you watched, because the one I know is just as insanely weird as the third season of The Transformers. Giant robotic sea serpents, overgrown vegetables, Cobra troops genetically spliced with animals, the Joes going through the trial of Osiris….seriously, the show was insane. (Steve

I know, right? But Midway and their awful unauthorized sequels have sacrificed Jr. Pac Man to the dustbin (Ms. would be there, too, if the game hadn't been such a huge hit).

Inky, Pinky, Blinky, Clyde, and Sue.

Why not? They both already act as if Jr. Pac Man never existed.

Pixels is already destined to failure because it unabashedly has turned Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani into a second-rate Long Duk Dong-and since that impression is gleaned merely from the trailers, I'm sure that it's going to cross the line from disrespectful interpretation of a guy who's still alive to cruelly racist.

He also mentioned on Friday's Hollywood Babble-On that he wanted to make the film to honor Jim Jacks, who always had faith in the original Mallrats.

He'd be mumbling about the Bruins right now, actually (and with good reason).

It's gotta be Rob Reiner's fault. The first crack in Miller's facade was the week after Reiner rambled enthusiastically on on Dennis Miller Live when he made a rather snarky reference to Reiner not letting him get a word in edgewise.

For the five people that remember Morning Sedition, or even better myself and the other guy who waited until after sports on KTLK to listen to The Marc Maron Show, Maron hosting The Daily Show has merit. Plus, Maron in New York means that Sam Seder would be able to troll him on a daily basis.

Wait, so Tusk gets three more movies funding and sees Hit Somebody finally lurch towards production, and you lament that the year was both a failure for Kevin Smith and the work of someone who needs to work more? Something doesn't compute here, especially since Smith was loudly declaring himself to be done with

So, Korra makes history, and it misses the list. I get that my taste in animation is pretty wildly opposed to that of the AV Club (of the three animated series on the list, I utterly loathe two and have no burning desire to see the third), but this is unacceptable.

Who was loudly bounced from the show when Cameron "converted".

Somewhere, an ABC exec in 1990 is shouting, "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!"

Wasn't he raised by hippies, anyways (they named him after Captain Kirk)? I'd bet that his parents simply were against religion in their house, and this is a king-sized rebellion to match his king-size douchiness.

1991 just happened to be about the last time Kirk Cameron was adored by the general public.

And remember, he went cuckoo for Christianity right around the time Julie McCollough was cast as his girlfriend on the show, and was replaced with his girlfriend (and now wife), probably at Cameron's insistence.

And remember, he went cuckoo for Christianity right around the time Julie McCollough was cast as his girlfriend on the show, and was replaced with his girlfriend (and now wife), probably at Cameron's insistence.

I'm sure his former co-stars have stories that make that detail seem tame by comparison.

Max is great at popping people out of jail.