
"Social media was covering the Ferguson uprising for a week before the major networks could be bothered" Social media is also responsible for spreading the rumor that Michael Brown was falsely accused of shoplifting a candy bar from a a QuikTrip, which led to rioters and looters storming a building with ordinary,

The other issue i have is this is not a conversation about objectification of women in the media. It's not a conversation at all. It's a blanket statement that the rape was places in the show because it draws in the male audience. There are no facts to back that up whatsoever. The author states it as an implicit

That's not the point at all R Ade. I don't disagree that the majority of the perpetrators of rape are men . . . and I don't disagree it exists or it should be punished or is a bad thing. I disagree with the statement that men in general find rape sexually arousing, and its put in shows because they like it. You

I guess you can read that as a rape in the books where she "succumbs" to her situation and then helps him rape her . . . i mean . . . i guess. But i think its you who is grasping for a different interpretation, not everybody else

Uhh . . . you did not read the scene in the book. You can google it and find it. You also did not read Martin's comments where he recently said its not a rape in the book, but he can understand why they changed it. The show creators also said it was intended to be ambiguous as to whether it was rape or not in the

he's a character and its called "arc." You start at point A experience adversity at points B and C and you grow from the experience ending at point D a different person. It's what makes Jaime better than most of the characters in the books, because they are flat. There's tons of intricate development which makes

It is true there's a wide swath of the male demographic who enjoy violence. That's undeniable. And its true there is a wide swath of the male demographic who enjoy boobies and sex. That's also undeniable. And I can see how to the feeble minded it's very easy to presume that men must therefore enjoy rape, which is

Why is it when you go anywhere else, people will say they went to a specific country, or city, or whatever except when people go to Africa.  Then its just "she went to Africa"  or "when she came back from Africa."  Its a really big place.  And she went to Uganda.  I notice it because I also spent some time working for