Was it Cogent's network itself that was too slow, or just Comcast's link to Cogent?
Was it Cogent's network itself that was too slow, or just Comcast's link to Cogent?
They were singing, bye bye all you instagram guys
Pretty impressive what you can do with implicit surfaces, Perlin noise, and Voronoi fracturing ;)
Seriously...when government entities pay extra money for no reason, it should come out of another portion of their budget. In this case, anyone connected to the problem should be let go.
Uh...guys... This isn't my account... Somehow i'm logged as "myTotaledTahoe", on my personal laptop...
Looks like an old game I used to play called 'Freespace 2'.
"It's common to worry about the repercussions of passing up professional opportunities, but since you can't see into the future you can only assess those opportunities as they appear today."
Really needed to read this today. Appreciate it :]
That method is normally used for dry or so called mixed ramen. Never heard of that sprinkle method in Chinese or Japanese culture for soup ramen.
When you boil instant ramen, the oil from the noodles is easily visible in the water. If you want to reduce some of the oil you consume from the ramen, try dumping out the oily water and rinsing the noodles, before adding fresh water back in and boiling it again. You can save some time by simultaneously boiling a…
I know a certain guy named Mason that could do it in one hit.
Would it matter if they created their own gravity through a rotating ring? With enough centrifugal force through rotation, you can create artificial gravity and I wonder if that would normalize the heart or if it takes "normal" gravity to do so.
Let the record show that this is what a goddamn breakfast taco looks like.
I'm willing to risk it, as long as it's not unbreakable glass... Then again, not sure I trust a vendor who uses Comic Sans on their website.
Eh, I wouldn't want to use it extensively for work involving 3D models. It simply isn't well suited for that type of work. I do think it's pretty slick for compositing fx with existing 2D assets, particularly when you're looking for fast (if not always perfect) results. It's not the be all end all, but it has it's…
Shift+Delete on text will cut it, Shift+Delete on a file will delete it. But you're right, I should add that into the article so no one accidentally deletes a file. Thanks for pointing it out!
LOL!...the problem is right there in your opening: "A city as progressive as Springfield..." "Progressive"...not indicative of practical or logical thinking. Emotionally satisfying perhaps...but shortsighted and often useless.
I gotta admit, I derive some small amount of satisfaction from the Senate's number one opponent of civil liberties having her computer rifled through by the CIA. It's about time she got treated the way she advocates treating innocent Americans.
Not sure if this relates to the video (can't watch it at the moment) but nothing riles me up more than when I show people pictures on my phone that I took with my dslr and they say, "wow! your phone takes really nice pictures!" and then after an explanation that I used my dslr I get, "Oh...I should really get one too.…
Especially if you look at the entire Star Wars series as the story of the rise, the fall and the redemption of Anakin Skywalker, I've always liked this resolution, in part because it wasn't the nominal hero who achieves the final victory but rather the villain making the choice to do the right thing. It felt earned.
So, Obamacare then....