Am I going crazy or is this the first episode of the Americans to actually say “fuck” (Not just once, but multiple times...)?
Am I going crazy or is this the first episode of the Americans to actually say “fuck” (Not just once, but multiple times...)?
Who the fuck cares about your shitty country? I’m LAUGHING at you pieces of shit just imploding your country into the ground. Left-wing thinking is the only way that will move this world forward, period. I live in a very progressive left country and we’re doing just motherfucking fine, sitting here laughing at your…
Oh, the denial is palpable. You’re a dying breed. Do the world a favor, fucking kill yourself and we’ll all be better off.
People like you are going to be extinct soon, don’t worry. Go and vote against your best interests with dipshit motherfucking right-wingers then.
Hint: The ONLY correct way for humanity to succeed is to be extreme left. There is no other logical path forward.
lol go vote for Republicans, then. Because my generation is taking over the nominally-left party and making it an actually-Left party and there’s not much you can do about it.
“But because space is limited, roping off 25% of the seats for disadvantaged kids means that 25% of the current students will be forced to attend a different, likely worse performing school.
“expand their influence and enslave on a larger and wider level than those before”
“can we all at least recognize that white people didnt invent slavery”
Law enforcement in this country is broken. Stop calling the police, they aren’t there for you if you aren’t white. Maybe law enforcement will stop assuming they are part of the fabric of society when they get shunned out of it for immorality, oppression, and incompetence.
Amazing. Simply amazing. You have managed to make this all about hurt white people’s feelings.
Are you actually trying to deny that the US is a motherfucking cesspool of a country? Because you would be in categorical denial of the truth if so.
Nice comeback - “no u bro”. Listen motherfucker, we all stomped you into the fucking ground. Just crawl away and give it up, it’s embarrassing at this point. =)
You feign like you don’t care, but it’s eating you alive inside that you’ve been exposed as such a motherfucking piece of shit. It’s honestly a crying shame that you and everyone you care about even exist - none of you deserve the air that you breathe. =)
Keep dismissing away motherfucker, I can do this all day. I’ve also replied to the main thread, nothing you can do about that dipshit. =)
I truly hope something really, really fucking awful happens to her.
Taziar is right, like the animals they are white people have no control over their actions and can’t be held responsible if a large group of black people scare them into killing one of them. As the smarter species black people should know that white people are easily frightened into aggressive actions and view any…
Or maybe, if you are a professional law enforcement officer, behave in a professional way? He had no need to do what he did, he did it because he was pissed. That’s not being a professional. That’s being an asshole.
Write down their names and hang these motherfuckers when Trump falls and they try to pretend they never knew him. Hang each and every one of these traitors. In a public square. While we cheer.