
Stop equating all lying as equal. There’s levels of it and SHS is on a motherfucking level of her own.

That is a patently idiotic hyperbole. SHS is a fucking atrocity and YOU know this and yet are acting just like her. Is that you SHS? Spinning a bunch of motherfucking bullshit like usual?

Thanks for dismissing that asshole, just proves that you’re a fucking piece of shit.

“I don’t think for one hot second that women would be any better if they had the power.”

“The amount of performative hero worship “

“we really just want amnesty and open borders”

You are a fucking psychopath. I wish the very things you’re claiming might happen ACTUALLY fucking happen to you and you’re fucking removed from this planet, because with people like you gone, we’re all better off.

“Not once did it ever cross mine or any other family members mind that “ok lets give them the drugs but lets let them know that its ok dont be ashamed you can get help eventually.””

“We need to help these people get off these damaging substances completely completely not be a functioning addict”

WHY the fuck are you giving this guy a fucking platform? He doesn’t fucking deserve it, period, from fucking ANYONE.

“I don’t know if this is any solution, but is there is any possibility of maybe...just integrating them back into the rest of society”

Fuck that, many Canadians (99.9% of them being white of course) are fucking racist. Fucking white people, seriously. And no, it’s not racist for me to say this.

It’s a fucking amendment to begin with. Stop treating as motherfucking holy. It can be AMENDED again to be removed. YOU DO NOT NEED MOTHERFUCKING GUNS, period.

“It is vital for the long-term survival of the United States of America that a significant percentage of our citizens are proficient in the use of firearms.”

You’re still just making excuses. There’s plenty of places in the world where the problems you’re describing have been solved perfectly fine without guns. You don’t need them. All the posturing you want to do is irrelevant to that simple fact. Guns are never necessary in the hands of a civilian, ever.

I’m pretty sure a pile of shit could debate and win against him. He’s not smart. He’s just a person who talks repeatedly to try and win an argument.

Report me too then, you goddamn motherfucking waste of air.

Three words: captive bolt pistol. It’s not a fucking gun.

White people SHOULD be fucking endangered on this planet.

Here, I’ll send it out: fuck every single motherfucking gun owner. I truly hope they shoot each other in the fucking heads and take themselves off this planet.