
“Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen”

That is certainly a HOT TAKE, and incredibly false. Keep trying though sparky.


You should be shot into fucking space and suffocate there instead.

Congrats on posting a “.” numbskull. Got anything else brilliant to share with us?

Nothing in this world is as black and white, as cut and dry as you’re making it out to be. That is your biggest failure, to understand this simple concept and somehow think that the show really was trying to portray one person as the villain and the other as the “correct one”. You’re just flat out wrong. I don’t care

It’s super simple: act like a normal fucking person, be respectful, the fucking end.

Fuck him and fuck you, genuinely. Hope you both die horrible fucking deaths.

No, he didn’t, you dumb fucking cunt.

“You do realize that after Australia’s government performed the buyback/ confiscation of the citizens guns that their gun related homicide and gun related robbery and assaults increased?”

Gee you’re still fucking stupid!

Again - are you really trying to compare “lumping poor wittle white folks” into stereotypes compared to the SEVERE stereotyping/hatred that occurs to non-white people of all religions/cultures? You’re creating false fucking equivalence. Dude, you’re comparing a needle prick to a fucking nuclear explosion. Don’t even

Yeah maybe actually grow a fucking brain before posting your bullshit here.

Do you really fucking think that dipshit ordinary citizens could ACTUALLY stand up to the military if they were brought in to enforce gun control? Sure, you’d have the first hundred nut cases who would get slaughtered by the military (and good fucking riddance to them) but the majority of idiots would more than likely

Hey cock gobbler, it was a white terrorist. White fucking terrorist. The kind the world should ACTUALLY be fucking scared of, since there’s a fucking shitload of them who are all fucking unhinged and want to fuck up the world.

Are you...seriously talking about the plight of “white folks”? Listen buddy - the entire world has done nothing but prop up “white folks” for centuries. They’re not in need of this literal white-knighting for them. And no, I’m not being hypocritical, before you even attempt to go down that path.

Sounds like you need to stop fucking breathing and do this world a favor. Hop right on that, would you kindly?

I hope you and the 8 fucking dipshits who starred your comment die the most horrible, painful deaths possible, along with every single person you care about in your lives.

There are a SHIT-TON of *good* teachers who can’t get work because of spots being filled by assholes like the one in the article. How about the system gets fucking shaken up and teachers are subjected to more intense scrutiny and MAYBE, just like other professions, have to be subjected to mandatory testing and ACTUAL

Hey look, it’s you, the asshole who doesn’t deserve to breathe the air on this planet. Why don’t you do something worthwhile for just once in your miserable, pathetic existence and stick a fork in a socket?