

Their passion for the show is unmatched. I loved Mirkin's commentary tracks, but I will repeatedly go and relisten to Bill and Josh talk about their episodes.

It's doubly a shame because the bit in the bank at the beginning was actually a really neat mystery before all the ridiculous Orientalism invaded the plot.

I went into the movie concerned that Phoenix talking out loud in public would be really disorienting and unfitting, but Jonze and co. sold the whole idea of the future world within the first five minutes that I never once questioned that Twombly, and the rest of the world's inhabitants, would have no reservations

Repilot: B
Intro to Teaching: B+

What slayed me was their refusal to acknowledge him by name throughout the entire episode, and then the flagrantly-obvious-in-retrospect joke of Kim's "prayer to God" being answered by him. He's an easy target these days, but they hit the mark really really well.