SEVEN HU– *pause for breath, starting over*
SEVEN HU– *pause for breath, starting over*
We have a comedian here I see
Doesn't even have 700 hp lol Hellcat is wayyyy better
Now THIS is the kind of Mercedes I'd drive to the welfare office to pick up food stamps.
From Foxtrot Alpha: The Bell 206 Jet Ranger, also known as the OH-58 and TH-67 in the military, is one of the most…
I think it has to do with the sleek, modern industrial look - if Apple made cars, they would probably look exactly like Audis.
I'm deleting the comments from the pigs. She deserves better.
This is pretty insane no matter what, but consider the fact that the ramp might have had a fraction of a percent drainage grade in his favor... Still, just overcoming the rolling resistance of the tires is a huge effort.
Using only a rope attached to his back and his own brute strength, forty four year-old Austrian strongman Franz…
Uhhhhh, Obama didn't take office until 2009. Congress gave the big three a $25 billion loan in September of 2008, then President George W. Bush agreed to a $17.4 billion bailout in December of 2008 which wasn't given out until Obama took office.
Hockey = Who the Fuck Cares.
For those of you who dispute this claim, here's what I've learned from other drag racers: when you do well, it's because of your own excellent driving. But when you do poorly, it's because of the car, the weather, the track, the tires, the fact that it didn't "hook up," the lights, the crowd, the war in Afghanistan,…
If the Department of Transportation was run by race engineers, the world would be a better place.
Judging from the video it seem's like a racetrack for idiots.
Suprised this wansn't posted by Doug who owns a Ferrari!
Great car if you don't have to look professional and grown up at work.