Hi Doug!
Hi Doug!
Wooowwwww. Fuck tha Rockies. Fuck the motha fuckin rockies. Im so sick of this sack of shit team im bout to puke. Fuck Mansfart. Fuck the “Rooftop”. And fuck everything. Thanks Rockies.
When I was in middle-school we had a project where we had to write to a politician. Most people wrote to the President. I thought outside the box, and argued that a corporate CEO was the equivilant of a politician. The teacher concurred, and I wrote to Phil Knight, the CEO of Nike. Secretly I was hoping he’d send me a…
That stadium...
The Nissan Altima “Race Car” commercial. Makes me want to vomit with rage.
To be fair nobody really lusts for a 3 series because they are RWD. Most of the people driving them dont even know which wheels are driven or how many cylinders their engine has. Most of the people truly lusting for these entry sedans are the young suburban girls, but that’s just me. I wouldnt say a 320i or entry A4…
I never understood how Audi gets such a bad rap for evolutionary design (as does VW). I find them to be the most consistently visually cohesive offering of cars, and easily the top 3 prettiest. But most of all, timelessness of design. Not many makers seem to care about that, but until the Check Engine Light becomes a…
Who really cares about the base model Audi? Does anyone lust after an A4?
For me in the looks department I’d go with
3 series
Jaguar XE
Agreed. The E90 to the F30 3 series wasn’t a major exterior change either. Both the 3 series and A4 already looked good, so they didn’t need to change much.
They sharpened it up. It looks good.
Did it need a complete redesign, truly?
All the haters can f*ck off. This is a gorgeous car. It may have a lot of “borrowed” styling cues, but I think it does a fantastic job of putting them all together.
One Of These Days This Will End Poorly
Looks good. Audi, America is awaiting the RS3 sedan.
You obviously have never driven one.
Erm, botched pass? Are we watching the same event? That wasn’t a botched pass, he was taking evasive action to avoid cannonballing into the two dawdling GT cars.
Or... avoid all of this and buy a NEW car with good resale value. You know, like an adult. Life is way too short to buy and deal with used cars. Never again.