If it doesn’t meet FMVSS, it’s not a suitable automotive safety device. No common sense required.
If it doesn’t meet FMVSS, it’s not a suitable automotive safety device. No common sense required.
As with all aftermarket items, you need to use your common sense and the Internet to judge how safe it is.
Fun fact: If you shine a laser pointer at the roof of your mouth you can see the light. We weren’t the smartest kids, but we didn’t eat Tide Pods.
Lol, lacto fermentation is literally just “Throw it all in the jug and wait”.
I remember that beating the starter with a metal bar was a legitimate way to get it to work again.
I feel bad for you if Jersey Mike’s is what passes as a good sandwich shop in your area.
Grocery stores tend to do a lot better at employee retention than fast food though. I’ve been shopping at the same grocery store for the last 15 years, and I know the guy and lady who work the deli/meat counter on a first name basis. They got a new guy like 5 years ago and he’s still here.
Jimmy John’s would like to have a word.
You said, “I barely trust legitimate butcher shops to clean a slicer properly, let alone a couple kids working minimum wage who just want to go home after a long shift”
If you start with crap, it doesn’t matter what you do, it will always be crap.
Executives need to justify their pay by making arbitrary decisions!
I had a motorized meat slicer in my kitchen for years. Nothing over the top or industrial grade but it was great for more than just slicing meats; good for certain cheeses and veggies too. You could get paper-thin onion slices.
I’ll take one for the team: biscuits suck for sandwiches. Give me an English muffin any day.
Let’s not name anything “Big Bang Babies”
*Old man yells at cloud*
I used expanding foam to fill some small holes in my house a few years back. The foam is now an unattractive yellow color and I feel like it was a bad idea. I would recommend skipping the foam, and going with cement/concrete.
Mayo on any kind of Italian hero/grinder/sub/hoagie is a true sin.
Because she loves the attention.
Dude if you read about the history of “Chinese restaurant syndrome” and don’t see the racism, you have a vastly different worldview than most of the people here