
I will be incommunicado from Wednesday until at least the following week recovering from the fascist cult leader’s re-election.

None of this matters to me, I will be dead before it is mainstream or before I could ever afford it.

Natural selection has been broken and the racist, misogynist, morons breeding has outpaced us proper humans. There is no future hope for America. Or perhaps can look at it as correct natural selection in order for mother earth to end the human race.

Hey don’t knock thoughts, they have been responsible for so many things:)

Pardon me I was really responding to 83 nation about not caring about fellow Americans. Being prudent is a good thing.

Really? Isn’t that the problem as it is? Those not taking the steps don’t give a crap about anyone but them selves. Don’t be like them.

Yeah I remember when dumpster said it would disappear with summer.

I can’t take this anxiety. I really believe trump is going to be re-elected.... I hope to hell not, but either way he is going to fight it if he does lose and draw this shit out. They really need to legalize weed in my state, I need some tranquilizers.

Seriously this has to be explained? For calamity sake, where is the common sense in people? Like the recent guy seen masturbating, if you can not control yourself long enough to get off a conference call, you have some serious issues.

Wish the judge would mandate that he release the documents, stand by the tweets which are supposed to be ‘official’

Well I have been retired from it for a bit, numbers could be flipping for sure. I would guess self organized groups of shoplifter rings have increased. That was becoming a bigger issue when I left it. But the bigger point is you should care about people stealing because the bottom line affects us all. 

Hardly anecdotal. Please look up the stats yourself, internal theft vs external theft. Not that difficult.

Let’s be real, Clinton lost because she is a woman. This is a country full of misogynists, and that is also why Harris was the worse choice for Biden’s running mate, because if there is anything the people in this country hate more than a woman it is a black woman.

Anyone who supports trump, is 86'd.  Farewell and adieu!

I spent my career as a Loss Prevention Specialist specifically in retail. One employee that embezzles undetected can rack up the dollar amount in a very short time. I can’t show you the stats we compiled, but I am sure you can google it.

You seriously think trump followers care about Taiwan or even know what is going on with them? Yeah right!

I despise thieves. But even with all the shoplifters that might hit a store, the biggest loss is from employees stealing. 

Oh I get it. You are a conspiracy theorist. Whatever, keep your phone wrapped in tin foil and you do you.

How about give them a call or shoot them an email? Or even wouldn’t it be cool if people wrote an actual letter and mailed it? If you are not willing to do that, do you really care that much about them? That would also help the failing postal service and exercise some long forgotten muscles. Not sure how it became ok

What does it matter if anyone other than the police dept knows you are speeding? Like I said I don’t care if they know where my device is with gps, I am not running a spy ring and need to hide. And I use only virtual one time use card numbers. Every single thing we do in commerce is now digital. Sounds like the