Not to be confused with his “I’ve just lost control over my bodily functions”/Oops! I crapped my pants face
Not to be confused with his “I’ve just lost control over my bodily functions”/Oops! I crapped my pants face
And systematically charging double the going top rate for any POTUS or POTUS staff travel. I’m sure it has been pointed out to him. Remember that the guy who was in charge of upholding ethics for the WH recently quit because he felt like he was slamming his head into a wall every day. Congress won’t call him on it…
He’s not anywhere near evil personified. History has far greater villains. Now, narcissism or incompetence personified....
There may not be a better way to sum up Trump than this video. He is basically evil personified lol. Literally everyone else was smiling, clapping, dancing in their seats. That was a fucking awesome rendition of those songs. Even if you aren’t a fan of Daft Punk or electronic music, that version was something almost…
I’m on “Bombshell” overload with this regime. I just don’t think it’s going to amount to anything. I feel like Trump could come out and outright admit that he and Putin worked together to fix the election, provide tapes, have signed letters, and smile and walk away. The press would clutch their pearls, shout…
There were some Senators asking questions that were probably relevant, but their manner of questioning was somewhat disturbing. He was, repeatedly, questioned on why he didn’t simply refuse the meeting, or refuse the call, or tell the President unequivocally that the line of conversation or its manner were…
He’s busy trying to figure out what the phrase “give him enough rope and he will hang himself” means.
The President of the United States is currently being babysat by his lawyers, etc. because he can’t be trusted to not incriminate himself via social media.
I am sadly disappointed that we’re not getting rantings from Great Leader. Just like that fucker to let down the american people when we needed him the most.
Right now, he is sitting in a room with his lawyers who are keeping an eye on him. Wait until tomorrow morning when he’s alone in the latrine with a phone and the noxious gasses coming out of his butt and his fingers.
He’s probably yelling at President Bannon for taking away his privileges.
Well, it’s the first time he’s managed to withdraw quick enough!
I came here looking for tiny penis memes...and said fuck it. Made my own.
On Thursday, President Trump announced the US was withdrawing from the landmark Paris Agreement, a commitment…
Plenty of Presidents, 45 included, walk back campaign promises when they’re actually in the Oval Office. This was one promise he could break that the majority of Americans (and the world) would be happy about. I still blame him.
I’ll cave to the low expectations this administration has set and say “Good for Elon.” Considering how many so-called ‘strong, independent’ people have completely and totally caved to 45 I am glad Musk didn’t just continue to go along.
No, I blame him, and his inability to listen to the leaders of the G7, and his own Secretary of State, and the freaking Pope, all of which begged him to stay in the Accords only last week.
I think he thought that he could talk some sense into Trump and either way, getting on his bad side is not good as we’ve seen regarding Trumps willingness to tweet randomly. Conversely, being on the good side of any president is a plus for your business. Obviously, he eventually decided it wasn’t worth it, either from…
The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard…
Ailes was a slurry pond with legs, and his death should be sung to the high heavens. He and Scalia are two of the only people whose deaths I celebrate