
I mean, when you turn the userbase from a pile of assholes to a 90% pile of far right wing sleazeball jackasses and boot licking sycophants who worshop Elmu, is anyone surprised that noone wants to touch it?

I’m no Musk Stan, but people are seriously missing what really went on here. Musk got convinced by some folks in his circle to do this, and then regretted it and tried to back out but couldn’t. The real string-pullers are the Saudis, who wanted access to the personal information of political dissidents on Twitter.

They were probably charging foreign agents $500 an hour to rummage around in them, with a deluxe 1k package that included a digital camera and unlimited diet Coke.

remember when we all had that realization about a week into his presidency that with him, there’s *always* a tweet in his history to refute something he just said, or outright embarrass him?  well that principle still applies but in a broader, more consequential sense LOL.

same.  The cultists have disappeared fast and I’m kinda loving it, getting back to mindlessly scrolling and looking at kids getting back to school and boring shit like that that doesn’t raise my blood pressure LOL.

They’re practically calling it “possession with intent to distribute” at this point.  Correctly.

Because they were comingled with the actual evidence. Which itself is evidence that Trump himself is responsible for the illegal removal and possession of classified material (as are his handwritten notes on said material).

DJT 2016: “Hillary deleted a bunch of emails. So we should make a huge deal about how she broke the law deleting emails. In fact I’m going to create new laws that target politicians who mishandle sensitive information. That’ll really piss off Hillary, and in no way come back and bite me in the ass.”

The most notable thing I’ve seen about this is how all political discussion on my facebook feed has suddenly disappeared. It’s like someone turned the lights on and all the roaches vanished.

LOL. Damn, I clicked because of the carpet.

He is a parrot...

How - just even a general sort of answer - how can Republicans be saved? How can they be transformed from white Christian nationalism and Dominionism into folks who champion the separation of church and state, the value of democratic government, and the importance of diversity. How can they even be convinced that

You have to be pretty myopic to think DeSantis is somehow better than Trump. Trump is an idiot. Certified. Proven. He is a parrot and he has crippling narcissism. These qualities make him incapable of being truly horrifying. As fucked as that is to say. It’s our reality.

Though the movie was made with climate denialism in mind, it felt broader than that to me. It wasn’t just about the climate, it was about science denialism, and the politicization (and capitalization) of science that fuels it. The behaviors satirized in the film apply just as much to anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, COVID

“the snacks are free, why did he charge us?”

I see a lot of people talking about this movie as if it is about climate change.

I thought the movie was hilarious.

You seem like the perfect example of someone that should watch it but won’t, because you should. 

Ironically your response shows exactly why Don’t Look Up is so flawed as a piece of political propaganda: the problem with climate change is not that the US is full of ignorant morons who don’t listen to clever people like Adam McKay. The problem is that the US is full of selfish, sociopathic freaks who simply love

we enjoyed it, but didnt vote for trump either