
I will take Pence 100 times over the rest of that cabinet and Paul Ryan. I do not like anything about him, but at least the man doesn’t use twitter, and seems relatively calm. All I want at this point is quiet and no god damned tweets. I can deal with a religious America - there’s no stopping that train now.

Paul Ryan may be Speaker of the House but he’s done a piss-poor job of rallying the majority. Plus installing him will upset a probably large amount of the morons who actually like Trump, because they won’t believe he deserves to be there. His health care attempts have been shit and he’s completely lacking in

Yep. I’ve noticed all of my trump voter friends on facebook have fallen silent the past week or so. You can FEEL their shame. It’s lovely.

With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special councsel appointed!

On the upside, we can now be sure that many of the conspiracy bugaboos people are afraid of - aliens, etc. - must not be real, because Mike Flynn and the Trump campaign have had access to all those secret files for months and haven’t accidentally been caught trying to sell us out to them yet.

I love how Fox jumps all over the most ridiculous speculation about anything bad a democrat might have even thought about once back when they were six, and totally ignores the growing mountains of evidence that Trump might have actually broke the law.

Just shut up and go get more popcorn. This is getting better by the hour. If I don’t get photos of Donald getting pissed on by some Russian prostitutes within the week I’m going to submit a complaint on the inconsistent pacing of this movie.

It’s the 90s and I am watching a shitty dystopian movie set in 2017 about an implausible fascist with bad hair plugs and a ridiculous spray tan who has managed to take over the United States of America. As a disturbing subplot, all the heroes of my generation are being inexplicably erased.

There is an ancient curse.... “May you live in interesting times,” and every single day, I see more and more the evil truth in that.

Impeachment is the only option. This man must go.

I’m really sad for the USA. It was a great country that everyone here in Bulgaria used to dream about. Poor, Americans :/

Well, to be fair, it always ends up that people are copying Apple if their product is shown first so... I would call this fair play.

That figure doesnt include the billions of payments exchanged by the oligarchs to get the work done.

Peace of Mind is sometimes related to Safety and Security for themselves and their families, could also be Reliability...even 2-3 breakdowns a year aren’t worth it for some people.

Peace of mind is worth a lot to some people. No stress in their minds.

This is the only Russian ship that really needs modernization

I’m sure that Paul Manafort and Roger Stone are on a plane to Moscow right now to work out a leasing arrangement with the Enterprise for the Russian Navy.

They’ll get a low, low price as long as it’s got T RU M P on the side. In gold letters, natch.

I don’t see the issue. This is part of the WH’s 17 prong effort to bring back american jobs.

Can Canada do anything if this results in greater pollution in the Great Lakes (and it almost certainly will), since it’s their water, too?