
They most certainly have that right.

If you get Pokemon Showdown shutdown because of this stupid shit, I’m never reading another Kotaku article.

I don’t think the Photography sidequest is in this version, despite the color dungeon persisting. Honestly, it makes sense- that sidequest was just as much about making you feel better about having bought a Game Boy Printer as much as anything. Plus it made 100% completion annoying, since as you said you had to steal

Snape kills Dumbledore.

Cool. I don’t give a shit. 

Wait, you still have to trade one of your items for the Boomerang? You can’t have both items at once? The whole reason you had to do that was because the game had a limited inventory space, but that shouldn’t be an issue this time. It’s not a major problem, but still.

I think the biggest hilarity of your comment comes from actively shaming women and treating them like children (‘treasure chests’? Have you even held a hand before?), while having an avatar of a woman almost entirely naked that is entirely a oversexualization of a male character made female.

Hasn’t that already existed for years now?

“Fuck your feelings...”

Ironic thing to say considering this rant.

Oh yeah because games should only be for the hardcore people.

That’s the thing about ‘LIVE’ games, eventually they’ll be transformed into something that barely resembles the game you loved in the first place.  

First off: something something Streisand Effect.

Weezing with a top hat...and the new villains are juggalos. That’s kinda cute...still not gonna get it because of the national dex and lack thereof. And the low quality of the textures and graphics when they could do so much better. And considering “high quality models” were the (original) reason for not having the

...Did you read the article motherfucker? OR did you just see the title and went straight to the comments to post this? This post ain’t defending Epic, it is talking about the Ooblet developers being SEVERELY HARASSED over the weekend because they chose to release over Epic instead of steam and calling out how

Dude.... This article wasn’t even about Epic man. It was about the indie studio and how they have been harassed to no end for simply doing the smart choice of taking an exclusivity deal that’s beneficial for them. It’s easy to talk about integrity and not selling out, but making games is fucking hard man.

I was with you until that last para.

I want to see this game fail if only so the devs can be reminded of why they made a game to begin with.

Tifa’s sports bra, cup sizes, breast feeding, comfortable tops...

“Arch Warhammer is a dickhead. Goodbye.”

I stand with Wheels.