
No. It is not racist. The point is to include people that get messed with at other cons, not to exclude people or get revenge. Intent matters.

Your guarantee isn't worth the time it took you to write out. You should be sent to the greys, trash. 

Since launch, every new hero has been black, a woman, a robot, a hamster, or a combination thereof. What’s your problem?

Of the ten heroes released after the game launched, Sigma is the first white man.

Yeah, to go with the 6 others out of 30.

I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.

You literally don’t know that, by any conceivable stretch of the word. 

this isnt really a freedom of speech thing. its do we offend racists or people who want more options. offend the racists. its not hard. they are choosing to equate 2 groups that are not equal.

This is based off the books, in which the medallion is a circle, and Geralt doesn’t carry the silver sword around.  It stays packed away on his saddle unless he needs to go monster hunting, which makes sense because a real silver sword would be incredibly fragile as a weapon.  

“This is something to remember. The people at Gamefreak who are working on this game are spending months and years of their lives developing this new Pokemon adventure.”

One of the only things I ever remember about the law in a class I took was that none of those disclaimers and waivers mean anything until a court of law says so.

Final Fantasy VII doesn’t hold a candle to my boyhood game of “Make a Wish is starting to get suspicious”.

That’s actually on purpose, and I’m impressed that Riley followed that rule.

No offense, but the whole “it’s about growing” point is undercut by Game Freak’s lack of real growth. The series’s stories aren’t very good and haven’t gotten that much better. The mechanics didn’t really improve much beyond “Hey what if we did two on two” with everything else being gimmicks that make stuff a bit more

Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

You may be in the minority on this one, unfortunately. 

If it would save my client 2 billion dollars I would gladly eat a crayon, given they’re non-toxic and little kids do it all the time. I would not do the same with roundup. 

They’ll probably just pirate the game and delude themselves into thinking they’re taking the moral high ground.

Well, now I’m left wondering where people will direct their impotent rage if review bombing isn’t an option.

Making the game “easier” is a slippery slope. Where do you stop? What is the defined standard for how easy a game is?