cool, still talking about fidget spinners though
cool, still talking about fidget spinners though
Maybe don’t get offended by nonsense royal protocols you admittedly don’t understand and just ignore it?
Or just be an asshole of your own creation.
He literally chose to review it because he didn’t like the previous games.
Your site links back to this ancient article in which you bury the lead five paragraphs in. Fuck you.
I don’t think any site using kinja to auto blacklist users has anything useful to add to a discussion about moderation.
There’s an OVA episode that covers kino’s training by her master, don’t think it was ever released officially in english but the japanese dialogue has kino switch between male and female pronouns for herself all the way through (The series proper shows she was born female at least).
That is until a key moment, at which…
Here’s a thing that reviewers and fans alike forget. 12-15 year olds are a part of the market. The teenagers i work with thought bojack was a piece of shit, on the other hand i can barely walk down the corridor of the school i work at without hearing a rick and morty line being quoted.
Family guy was saved from…
I love the idea that cameron is ever in a position to be passed over on a project, given he pretty much pics his own projects. I’m sure the guy who directed the first movie to break a billion in the box office is livid he isn’t being picked to direct some comic book adaptation.
Reminder this is also the guy who backed…
Tell me again about these ancient greek combat bustiers, and how a female action hero in a miniskirt is “good” for feminism. I mean this is the movie that has an overweight comic relief character named etta candy right?
It was jareth/morpheus....jorpheus, the goblin prince of dreams? but ok.
My take (and the take of a few others i’ve mentioned it to) is that the gang aren’t meant to be aspirational, but are more representative than people like to admit. They are the worst parts of us given center stage.
See also: Watamote, we’re all nerds, we’ve probably been guilty of some of the faux pas that tomoko…
Mike Toole reviewed it for he gave it possibly the only F grade thats ever been given there.
It is important to note that netflix have this because the original network that commissioned it, doesn’t want anything to do with it.
Be better
That opens the door to more problems like piracy than doors it closes in terms of convenience. If you want all your games on internal storage, buy them digitally
Yeah, and they could have pictures of the games on them, maybe sell them in display boxes and......yeah that’s a cartridge
Sounds like you care plenty.
puyo puyo was a thing before puyo puyo tetris, note the complete lack of tetris elements.
It’s spelt “kampf”
The image says it’s at 1/48 scale. The MG you mention is at 1/100 scale, so no, they aren’t the same.
Actually, if you check you’ll see that almost all scientists and engineers are FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS you twat.