Garfield Thelonius Remington III

That’s accepted dog-walking etiquette these days, at least in urban areas and snooty developments. Depending on where you live, you may or may not find yourself pressured to do that, or you might be surprised to find that there’s actually a municipal ordinance requiring it. If you walk your dog, bring a bag. A lot of

My other favorite Nolan Ryan factoid is that he didn’t retire due to age, he retired due to injury. In ‘93, he threw a pitch and felt a sharp pain, which was his rotator cuff tearing. Took a minute, had a mount visit, resolved to stay in the game. Threw another fastball, felt the pain again, and was done. Never played

This took me a few seconds, but when I got there, oh man.

My story isn’t particularly involved, but in 8th grade I went out for the Track team and threw discus and shot. By the end of the season, I had gotten pretty good, so I went out again in 9th grade, which is the first year of high school in my hometown school system. I, uh, did not undergo a growth spurt of any sort in

Top-class episode, as always, but I’m here for one thing:

This. Exactly this. There are definitely some insufferable Soccer Explainers who appear in the comments, but the biggest reason Billy gets those comments is Billy. If it’s not about Messi, it’s about MLS being garbage and worthless and a pyramid scheme as though only he knows this and everyone else is touting it as

You leave Paul Giamatti out of this.

I just stood up in my office and applauded.

That could still be the headline. That could always be a headline, for anything.

Gollum seems to be doing well in his post-Orodruin retirement.

The best part about this is that LA missed the playoffs with him on the team last year.

Tommy Nobis was the team’s first-ever draft pick. He’d be in the Hall if he hadn’t been fucked into getting drafted by this perennial shitstorm.

I’m just here to point out that the Saints’ fancy high-priced lawyer who wrote the brief used the wrong word. A “mantel” is the shelf above the fireplace. He meant to say “mantle”, which can be the magma layer of the Earth, a cloak or shawl, or a burden of responsibility passed from one entity to another.

I’ll buy cheaper, but “less crowded” does not describe any single YMCA in or around Boston.

A friend of mine called me an “absolute microwave” one day a few years ago and I swear I think about it at least once a week.

+1 stunt cock

Chopped, in every form, is possibly my favorite television program of all time. I’ve always been a fan of Triple D, though, and as bombastic and ridiculous as Fieri can be, by all accounts he’s actually a tremendously good guy and a great boss for his locations (couple friends of mine work at the group that owns the

I want to agree with the commenter here, but I legit clicked this article, remembered I’m seeing this movie tomorrow, and was like “He’s gonna talk about the end, I shouldn’t read this.” So, I guess I’m with you on this.

For the last time, New England isn’t Europe just because “England” is in the name, man.

This is incredibly timely because I listened to the episode of the History of Byzantium podcast that deals with the Nika revolt like two days ago.