Garfield Johnson

They were given one less episode this season. They should've taken out one of the audition episodes, but w.e

I think my favorite thing about the Rudy/Jacque situation is the hypocrisy that it showcases. SYTCD has had a long history of trying to hide the sexuality of some of the contestants because "sexuality shouldn't matter it's about the dance", yet here they are parading a heterosexual teenage relationship. Best kind of

So the blandest contemporary contestant of all time (Casey) makes it into the top 8, but Emillio doesn't. I'm calling shenanigans.

Are you forgetting Sonique? Also a past trans contestant, that states that this whole thing is blown out of proportion.

You really think Adore's half baked looks qualify as 'interesting"?

Based on the commentary/footage shown Joselyn seemed to do better on the interview, and I don't think that the runway has much of an impact on the challenges anymore.

I would've preferred a top 3 of Sharon,Latrice, and Willam, but either option is pretty awesome.

Well Georgia Holt is pretty open on her stance of abortion, and Joselyn got the question from a lifetime doc, so it wasn't completely out of left field. At least Joselyn showed personality, and wit in the interview, which could not be said for Trinity. Asking juvenile questions, getting names wrong, and not even

I literally just watched the lip-sync and I found no such part. Darienne was on point from the very beginning, and the glove removal was more towards the middle of the song. And that reveal was pretty lackluster in comparison to what Darienne was doing.

I don't think we were watching the same lip-sync Darienne was mouthing all the words, and was oozing confidence. Ben had a reveal that too forever(just as bad as Gia's), and was clearly frazzled throughout. She wasn't bad, just not as good as Darienne.

I couldn't really get behind Ben's lip-synch She looked visibly nervous, and was constantly looking at Darienne. She just didn't have the confidence that Darienne had. And that reveal was lack-luster.

I completely disagree with your assessment on the lip-sync for ep.7. Darienne was absolutely amazing in it, and won that lip-sync fair and square.

I do see your point, I wish she had more confidence in her looks, but i've loved all of them so far. She hasn't been doing drag for the longest so i'm hoping that versatility and confidence will come with some more experience, I can't say I care about the glam aesthetic because it's the blandest kind of aesthetic on

Wow what a good episode. I'm officially calling it as the best snatch game episode of all time! Here are some of my thoughts on what happened last night.

Yeah I really loved this episode, I was actually invested in all of the story lines this episode. Also this episode managed to get me interested in Mindy/Cliff storyline, which is no small feat.

As a gay man I really appreciated having near naked Taye Diggs on my screen. I can now write that off of my bucket list, thanks for that "New Girl"!