Garett Black

1. Far as I know, only 2 non-jedi humans ever demanded Vader keep his word, and to his face.
2. The Imp Walker Commander and his men didnt look or act moronic as he destroyed the rebel base.
3. You might want to promote your 3b to 3a when u notice my 3. Begins "His Dad…".
4. Before u say "Before you say…" remember u set

I think he typed racist Pig, then thought better of it.
I think Malcolm X was okay, but the first 2 were the best. ♡

No go ahead. Let us know your feelings on the movie as u imagine it to be. Youll still be witty, which is the only reason we're on this site. ♡

Im sorry but his choice of Anniken proved he was done with the Visionin' thing.

Campbell Busts A Move sampling the music of Golden Bough.

So that claim you are boring was just bull, so this is bull?

Actually i enjoy geting my socks wet on a lovely summer morning as i walk around the house with my dog. The sun kisses the morning sky, the dew, having kissed the morning grass, kisses my feet, and you my friend… ♡

Threepio they're gonna die!

What be dat? Some chick flick? I hate it when i cant keep up. Aint dat a soap?

1. He stood up to Vader.
2. He deduced Solo was in hiding and would detach from the Imp Cruiser.
3. His Dad battled a Jedi master to a draw.
Try some of these sometime.

Aw cmon, he's already been to a friends house who showed him how to type 'free sex' on google and so he's been Entirely Educated in all the streaming Visuality you dream you're protecting him from! ))
I hear John singing I'm Only Sleeping now so i guess it was rude of me; you bein' 1happily swimming upstream.