
That woman is going to have a job in the industry. And fast.

I promise you that it is not an overestimation. If anything, it’s an underestimation. As I said above, you have to account for office rent, cleaning, equipment, taxes, other staff who aren’t working directly on the game, console certification costs, software costs, and so many other expenses that come up over

hmm...yes...yes...I think I understand... ... ...I’ll just kick out anyone who makes fun of my “nerd stuff”

Men, that boss of yours...

There’s a lot of personal and professional stress in my life right now and I can honestly say having a cat-train in the Philadelphia area would put me in a much better place!


It’s actually much darker than anime paints it, honestly. The thing with many anime is that they show the lack of presence, and that’s it. But in reality, many fathers/husbands in Japan are recognized as 内弁慶 (uchibenkei), which means they “are a lion at home and a mouse outside”. Basically, at home, they scream, yell,

I have no doubt that the strength of Japan’s economy is a result of the relentless hard work and fierce patriotism the Japanese have for their country. But it will take them no further. While a good work ethic is important, the fact that people are dying on their desks has to become a concern for their society at some

Pretty sure it’s just a stage for fun.

Good for him man. The smash competitive scene needs some more confidence and joy and less salt.

Zack is a cool dude. I find it less important that he’s 15 and more important that he’s confident; that’s what makes him so impressive and fun to watch, not that he’s young. Having the confidence to demonstrate your personality despite the haters is awesome to see and leads to entertaining sets whenever he’s involved.

Something to keep in mind for those of you not working in creative fields:

Imagine, for a moment, that the iconic element of the product you spent months—perhaps years—of your life on were brought to market without your ever having been involved.

Could that product still have been completed?


Would it still be

Thing is, Sony is leading this generation by a very large maring, and surely enough, they know it very well. So while this may be a great selling point for all of their competitors (as they all have to fight the Sony dominance by offering something different), Sony really doesn’t have to allow this and it probably

Huh. I’m the weird one... I like to perform cunnilingus but don’t care for BJs. But that’s just me.

Exactly, but I’m not. I’ve told my girlfriend that I’d wouldn’t because I thought it was disgusting, and I don’t allow her to do it for me for the same reason, plus I’d be a complete asshole like you said. She’s offered repeatedly, but I just refuse because I could never return the favor.

So long as the feeling is universal then you’re fine. You verge into jackassery if you expect it but don’t give it

I’ll be saving this until we get it:

I can’t remember in which game they named all four, but they are War, Death, Fury, and Strife. I don’t think Famine and Pestilence would nessicarily fit the asthetic of Darksiders.

I was a super shy kid growing up. Had learning issues from a hearing problem that luckily was corrected but it still made me afraid to approach new people. Luckily I met some kids in my first year of high school that played D&D and they invited me to join them. There was about 10 of us and we all became pretty tight

Therapist shifts uncomfortably, “So... you killed the entire orphanage. That might be enough for today.”