This is well done and just the right length. Maybe consider a Closed Caption button in the player for those of us trying to watch at work.
This is well done and just the right length. Maybe consider a Closed Caption button in the player for those of us trying to watch at work.
Koala Bears man. A Koala will mess you up.
S’mores, but with a Reese Cup instead of a Hershey. Game changer
What’s the coolest gift you got this Christmas?
You think the halftime song puts you on edge. Check out this! You can skip to the 2min mark and still get it. Dont worry she lives.
Bonus death deserving Fantasy player: Big Ben.
Adjacent to. You should work your way around sideways.
Always below. Only insane people would do above.
The Hitler stache became the Hitler stache when he had to shave it in WWI. Everyone was rocking the full stache, but Army’s started using gas and Adolf had to shave off the sides so he could get a tight gas mask seal around his cheeks. Most German, British, and American soldiers did this. Hence the fad in the early…
Anyone dressing up for a Halloween party this year or while they take their kids/answer the door during trick or treat? If so, what are your costumes?
Dead bodies. I worked as a videographer in news and you'd just ride around in the news van. You'd hear over the police scanner about a car wreck and find our you're closer than the police. You'd roll up, help if you could, then start taping, but sometimes there would be a fatality and you see it. Never really got…
Watching Saved by The Bell re-runs before noon on cable TV. Written like a man who's on vacation. Enjoy this week Drew, we all expect you to bring your A-game for "Why your Team Sucks.
I have once, but it was a very odd situation that I'm still befuddled by.
Have any of you ever cried happy or sad tears while watching a sporting event?
Hey LeVar. You, Fred Rogers and Jim Henson helped shape my childhood. Have you ever met Fred or Jim?
BITTER KOOL-AID: I was 15 and had a summer job mowing lawns for our elderly neighbor. Mrs Thomas. She had an acre of grass and a push mower. She'd motion me over to the porch where she'd give me cherry Kool-Aid. Sometimes she forgot to put the sugar in the pitcher and I'd take a big gulp of bitter cherry Kool-Aid…
Damnit Tom. Don't post a 2 minute video of this crap if no one actually gets injured in said video.