
If you are racist, I don’t owe you a single moment of time nor do I care know a goddamn thing about you. You are trash and it’s upto you and only you to figure out what a goddamn subhuman you are.

What the hell is going on with your country?  

You’re not black.

Anti-vaxxers prove that unimpeded free speech is actually disastrous when you allow shit like this to happen.

Ok, I’m elitist.  You say that like it’s an insult, I’ll own that title anyday.  Regardless, the only reason I even said that was due to the sheer idiocy of the OP.  “OMG HOW DARE THERE BE THINGS THAT ARE EXPENSIVE”.  He’s clearly not the target demographic, he can go do something that’s within his price range,

If you see a completely optional, luxury item as “too much”, yeah - you’re poor.  

All I see on this thread is jealousy and poor people.

I can literally just hand it to someone else in the park after you’re done the experience and make their goddamn day.... You’re just a poor slob who can’t afford to go to a park which isn’t  exclusive or based off a lottery system like SDCC.

Fast 7 and 8 were direct sequels to Tokyo Drift.  At the end of Fast 6, the post credits scene is Han’s death from TD.

Did you even watch Endgame?  The Hulk is who snapped everyone back into existence.  Tony snapped Thanos and his army OUT of existence.  Yeesh;  you actually get paid to write this shit?

Yeesh, do I have to spell it for you?  The movie was panned universally and next to none of the critics had any praise for him.  Was he mediocre/passable?  Sure.  Good?  Nope.  It’s not like they all specifically targeted him or called him out.  But he was mostly ignored because it was just blase.  

There’s unfortunately a lot of dumb people who disagree with you who are replying.  

No it’s not. No President in past 100+ years has actively STATED that they only represent half the country and actively campaign on the promise to stifle/eliminate and call the other half of the country as “enemies”. Not political enemies, but actual enemies.

He’s 16 years old.  I’m sorry, but it’s bullshit to call him a child - he’s capable and allowed to drive a goddamn car.  I knew right from wrong when I was 16 years old, so excusing his behavior is fucking asinine.  Fuck him and I truly hope he’s fucking penniless in his adulthood.

No, you’re not Canadian.  Not a real one.  We don’t need stupid fucks like you in the country anymore, get the flying fuck out.  I mean that with all sincerity, and this is 100% irrefutable.  Now fuck off.

This is a very hot take.  Scorching hot.

Have you thought, just for once, to just shut up - and actually do some good for once?  Just stop.  You are a walking travesty.

Congratulations, you’re a goddamn moron.

“Look at Canada and really really look at what Trudeau is up to”