
You can’t have it both ways.  If companies get corporate welfare, then they should be subject to more oversight.  If you want pure capitalism, then DO SO.  What you have right now is an egregious abuse of the system by major companies.

It’s not that hard sparky, try and keep up.

No, you dumbass, they serve 2 completely different markets.  Why the fuck do they pay you to write this bullshit?

“Even Spider-Man: Homecoming stopped showing us Uncle Ben dying and that only happened twice in the movies.”

They’re still going to include a Thomas/Martha scene as a flashback, know, they just can’t help themselves.

Yet again sparky, you’re missing the goddamn point. It’s not a crusade, just plain truth. Not all people are lazy - the fact that these 2 companies are still supported so much shows just what worthless piles of crap most people actually are.

No, most people are just too stupid/lazy to care, are just complete uninformed or are just straight out fucking pricks. That doesn’t make them good or right.

There’s a LOT of very dumb people (i.e. supporters of Chick Fil-A and supporting their “rights” to be homophobic morons) coming out of the woodwork.  It’s very sad.  It’s ok, the lot of you will die from heart disease soon enough and the rest of the sane world will be far better off.

It’s underlying homophobia to actively hate people so much that you don’t want them to get married and campaign for banning same sex marriage.

Maybe. We can boycott them, that’s our right.

Your idiot signal is noted.  You belong on the list of “doesn’t deserve the air they breathe”.  Congratulations on being included on this list.

No, that’s not how any of this works, you goddamn bigoted subhuman piece of crap.

You are a goddamn soulless piece of trash then.

You’re a goddamn idiot. Freedom of religion is the allowance for people to practice their religion on their own time and within the privacy of their home/church. Not to try and impose their stupid views on others and certainly not to try and make policy. The fact is, this stupid company repeatedly donates to

They’re not “supporting traditional marriage”, they’re actively attempting to PREVENT same-sex marriage.  That’s a massive travesty and they should be raked over the coals for this, period.

OR...just wait for was a 30 second fun scene that doesn’t need to be dissected or criticized so much.  It was just fine in an overly long movie that had FAR more problems than that scene.

Star Trek 1 - as bad as it was - was about contact with a “new” entity.  Star Trek 5, also as abysmal as it was, was also about trying to discover something new at the center of the galaxy.  Star Trek 9, again as bad as it was, also dealt with a new civilization.  

“Name one Star Trek movie or TV episode that was about space exploration, meeting new extraterrestrial civilizations, and sharing scientific data. “

“While making sure that a computer is never connected online should be a relatively cheap procedure, if not free, we’ll take their word for it.”

Holy fuck, you’re a goddamn disaster of a subhuman piece of trash.