la garconne

you're a doofus. cringeworthy.

So what, she talks about being a lesbian. Lots of people in the world are lesbians or just interested in hearing funny stories about what being a lesbian is like. Maybe you should accept that some things are just not for you, and that's okay.

People are welcome to dislike her. People who show up in every comment section to say she sucks and should stop talking about being gay are as welcome as hecklers at a comedy club.

actually, she is funny, witty, and interesting.

why do you spend so much time watching someone you don't enjoy? is someone forcing you? blink twice if yes

Mediocre aggressive straight men with obnoxious sexualities get a new TV pilot or movie every week of the year, but sure, Cameron's success is the real outrage here. That's not dumb at all.

Cameron, thank you. This is fantastic. The haters can go poke themselves in the eye.

I'm glad to hear it. I've seen him on other things (Speakeasy) and he seems really chill. "Coked-out manager" must have been the vibe he was going for. He's a good actor!

Ben's chemistry with Scott is so strong it pulls Scott entirely out of character. Also, this episode made me google: "ben schwartz cocaine?"

I *need* a recording of Neil's Dr. Seuss-style restaurant order.

Not exactly, he was able to confirm the photo wasn't her because he knew the girl in the photo - he was like, "that's not Megan, that's a girl I went to school with."

That password game scene was masterful. The santa claus part!

I wish Room had ended with the family escaping into an alien-infested wasteland.

not necessarily. he was Richard Wayne Gary Wayning it.

Well, her next album will certainly be interesting!

I don't enjoy that song, but she wrote it after moving there. It's about her feeling drawn to the city. It's naive and starry-eyed, but a lot of young people have that kind of outlook when they move to New York.

Pretty sure it was all friends/family/invites of the cast & crew, who were probably super psyched that their loved ones were performing on the Grammys.

Yeah. You can see that realization on the face she makes when she first sees the island. Great actress.

Someone had a good point about how Kylo's this character fighting against his impulse to follow the light side, right? And here he meets a stormtrooper who totally followed that impulse to go light. He takes it personally.

Eh, I wasn't fooled by it, but it made sense on a story construction level. They had to get him out of the way for the story to progress with Rey and Finn, and him + Han Solo would have been too much. It worked for me.