“I feel like we should clap.”
“I feel like we should clap.”
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who get misty while reading about Bryce Harper walking around in…
Much like vampires and zombies in past years, kids on bikes with flashlights have become a defining force of popular…
Like Annie and Owen’s trip to Salt Lake City, the actual destination of Maniac feels less important than the fact…
James Harrison, the Steelers all-time sack leader, went on Second Take Tuesday, to talk football and the ongoing…
“Utangatta” follows in a long TV tradition of having the climactic action of a season happen in the penultimate…
It wouldn’t surprise me if “Ceci N’est Pas Une Drill” and “The Lake Of The Clouds” really were written as a…
Five seasons in, BoJack Horseman has perfected its mix of satire, wall-to-wall (sometimes literally) visual gags,…
“Ceci N’est Pas Une Drill” starts to get at a topic that could be a really fascinating, compelling kernel for Maniac:…
Goofy Maniac is back, and it’s got some momentum. “Larger Structural Issues” starts to set up the likely endgame of…
The world continues to be a very dark place, as the ongoing discussion of what level of alleged sexual assault is…
Weezer has a track record of crowd-pleasing videos, from the Spike Jonze-directed “Buddy Holly” to the Spike…
At one point during their attempted heist, Ollie—Owen’s incarnation in the 1940s setting of “Exactly Like You”—turns…
I don’t know, gang.
Adventure Time may be over, but fans of Pendleton Ward’s ambitious and emotionally devastating storytelling can find…
Welcome to The A.V. Club’s coverage of the 70th Primetime Emmy Awards. Follow along with our writers’ commentary and…
[Warning: This article includes descriptions of sexual misconduct that may be disturbing to some readers.]
It seems fitting that in this incredibly dark timeline Tom Arnold would emerge as a self-styled citizen journalist,…