
The cost of those international dial-up sessions would be astronomical as well. I appreciate the effort of the french ISPs (and others) but the price paid will make in unaffordable for most.

@Ninety-9: This is argentina, not the US.. so there is public health care and no bills for it.... so that's one less worry at least. And I know it might not be the most encouraging thing, but I do know of a failed suicide attempt (also jumping out) that lived through his depression. Unfortunately, though, he was left

@EljhHck: Its almost a telltale design of the thinkpads... I'd almost say they do it on purpose these days ;-)

@SlipperyCheese: You can find some good youtube videos showing it... I posted the links above.

Now playing

A couple of videos showing the loading and laying of cable (By Alcatel-Lucent)

@Jerm Deeks: Microsoft Mobile Memory 8000 Mouse. Currently on sale for 20 bucks. It uses a sort of mag-safe connector to charge and you can use it while charging. It takes a sub-dongle but can also pair using bluetooth (both modes are supported). And the dongle doubles as a 1G memory key... pretty nice!

@PossibleCabbage: that makes sense... sounds like the Skol from german / dutch... and thus, what you say when you toast.

@bozzomarc: Hi Bozzomarc, I've lived in France, the UK and Belgium. I agree that on the mobile space the french offer is nowhere as competitive as the UK one, but the residential services (spearheaded by Free) are amazingly priced. Especially when compared to Belgium (where it is still illegal to subsidize a phone and

@bozzomarc: actually, france has one of the most competitive telecom markets in the world... Free's 29.99€ bundle of TV, internet and international phone is un-matched accross europe (and don't even get me started on the US). Asia might be better, but the conditions were great...

Wouldn't that be the FTC and not the FCC ? #corrections

@MaNiFeX: UKM was amazing!!!! I remeber the box gloating with "The voice of James Earl Jones" !!! Loved it....

@Greg Krynen: It still a pretty good value... a 20x20x20cm "battery" would do something like 176W which is nothing to sneeze at...

@gdigital: yet the math says each let consumes 1.8W... thats waaaay too much power for a single LED. The math being 1297KwH/24/30000

You should at least mention Velib, the program in paris (which is the one the pic above shows). Its quite succesful, running close to 20K bikes and almost 1200 stations accross the city. For 1€ a day, you can ride as many 30-minute rentals as you want... or 20€ for a yearly subscription

It was not email, but rather the start of the internet itself.

@Dexomega: Its not exactly the same. Each eye (in a 3D lens) has a differen polarization and if used outodoors will make the world look weird.

I'd bet you can't even call it a GSM phone if it doesn't have a user-replaceable SIM card. Somehow I don't see this flying in europe...

@acceptablerisk: The problem is that low-voltage DC requires thick cables due to high-current needs, especially if you're going to be powering every device in the house. Also, using a a 200W power supply to feed 5W is quite inefficient. (power supplies are designed to be highly efficient only at certain power loads).

@gforgary: Same here on the SFO-HGK route. Every seat had a power socket. And also AirCanada flights from Ottawa to europe had a 110V socket + USB.