
@DittoBox: Chrome is based on WebKit as well....

@ircmaster: sorry man... so many fanatics here that its impossible to know ;-)

@imunalia: Me as well.. that's really annoying!!!

@willyu: The monitor in the picture is an apple Cinema Display.. and they do have a single cable. For some time, they would be powered off the video card. Nowadays they usually have a splitter in the cable

@ircmaster: as long as there are no exposed metallic contacts, you're fine. The iphone 3G (s), blackberrys and pretty much any modern phone have their antenna on the back.

@zomgzombies: The "gap" on the right is not a real gap. Is just cosmetic. So the bottom and all the way to the right side and up is the antenna. The other "half" is also an antenna. Touching the weak-spot connects both halves...

@4JustinB: even better... thanks for the tip!

An awesome read on Tesla, Marconi and the radio patents debacle. But also on the whole patent system and a very interesting criticism on how judges are asked to rule on techincal issues which are way beyond their knowledge field. Highly recommended!!

@HardwareWars: plus changing the password means breaking every single phone out there with a data plan. And not all can take over-the-air updates....

@dingus: sounds like a nasty hack indeed... A nice one, but nasty anyhow ;-)...

@dingus: Yes.. but anything else plugged into the line wouldn't like it... plus the (admittedly low) impedance of the line could cause quite some flukes.... At least back home (where my power meter also measures cos(fi) and I'm billed accordingly) I guess this would wreak havoc.

@timobrien1: except diodes have a voltage drop of 0.7 to 1.3 volts, so when using a bridge rectifier your voltage drop can be quite high. Higher indeed than the 1.5 volts of the battery.

@scaledatacom: Cisco also owns the iphone trademark... :)

@bigtimes: Actually I can differentiate across several countries, as well as in recognize different african tribes.

@bigtimes: Actually, the processor are very very simillar. Just like a Pentium iV and core2Duo are simillar. They run the same instruction set (as shown by the app compatibility) so there is very little else to add. The extra RAM might make a difference though.

@MHTSOS: But login forms to all "decent" email sites use https which is encrypted as well.... So, your username and password is protected even if on an un-encrypted network... like, say, the whole internet!

@markntravis: Opel Astra... Damn, I miss the european "hot hatches".. We don't get them here in the US :(

Those colors MUST be under polarized light... you don't see anything like that otherwise.

@DPortain: The standards are actually quite free, not open, but mostly readily accessible. And with the cost of developing a mobile phone in the order of millions of dollars, paying a few thousand to get the standards is no big issue. And this is only if you are building your own baseband (which you're not). You just

@sam-i-am: Fully agree man.. Sounded well though, investigated... somehow, off place. Too bad...