
When it came down to it, I didn't have enough faith that Hillary Clinton wouldn't start an unnecessary war and I couldn't bring myself to vote for someone that I thought had a high probability of unnecessarily killing lots of innocent people. If that makes me a bad person in your book, I think I'll be okay with it.

I'm not trying to change the system by abstaining, I'm just opting not to have anything to do with it.

Thanks for the thoughtful debate!

So the solution to break out of a two-party system is to always vote for one of the two parties? Got it.

The Democratic Party is honest, he says!

I still need to see Prevenge!

My mistake

It wouldn't matter to me a bit either way.

I mean, basically, you're saying vote for every single Democratic candidate every year no matter what because the Republican is worse. Personally, I really, truly believe the two-party system is incredibly damaging to us as a whole.

Are you making the bizarre assumption that I'm a member of the Green Party?

Unprompted? I wrote that I didn't have any regrets about not voting for Clinton and I got a long, condescending, lecturing response about how I did a bad thing by not voting the same way he did.

Oh cool! That one guy you knew once is probably sufficient evidence that Sanders supporters and people that didn't vote for Clinton are far right Infowars superfans!

Sweet, Sweet Lonely Girl and Lake Bodom are both good Shudder exclusives


Are you saying that I should give a shit what this absolute stranger condescendingly typing away at me about how I should vote has to say?

Oh man, sorry. You have me confused with someone who gives a flying fuck what you think about how I voted.

A smug, condescending democrat! Weeeeeeeeeeird

Oh hey, just so you know, language like "fall in line" really isn't helpful in attracting very hesitant people to your side. It's goddamn repulsive.

I didn't vote for her. I will never ever regret it. I read a post from someone who was bullied by her friends into voting for her even though she really, really, really didn't want to and how awful and angry she felt after he won because she went against her own principles for nothing.

I mean, the policy positions she had that I noticed during the primary debates were basically $15 an hour is too high for a minimum wage and the ACA is pretty okay so let's not rock the boat too much, k?