
I think he does a pretty great job of knowing when to use horrifying violence and when to use cartoony violence depending on the mood of the scene.

I think there's a huge majority of the population that is fed up with the way both parties have been running things and when enough of them saw anyone that didn't remind them of a mainstream republican or democratic candidate, they were like fuck it

This whole back and forth makes so much more sense now that I can see that you're totally delusional.

I love it a lot but it's creepy as fuck


And if most Americans have been doing so well, why did the candidate that ran on the idea of the last eight years being great lose to Donald Trump? Oh, let me guess. It couldn't be because you're full of shit. It's all the whiny Sanders supporters. Or Sanders himself. Or the fact that she had any opposition at

It's funny, because despite your statistics, I've repeatedly seen evidence that things aren't better for most Americans. The job market is so fucked that I've seen employment ads requiring a bachelor's degree for a twelve hour a week, 9 dollar an hour job. College is so expensive, most people are just in debt for

Hahahaha! Have fun with your shit attitude. It totally works!

I mean, guess fucking what? The arrogant, condescending shit you assholes pull DIDN'T WORK. When people were licking their wounds from losing a shady ass primary, you were calling them babies and spitting on them. And now you're putting the blame solely on them for losing the fucking election. It's so crazy.

I dunno, dude. "If the economy is doing so well, why aren't IIIIIIIIII rich, huh?" came across as pretty fucking mocking to me. You're also making a lot of baseless, condescending assumptions about me with that "superstitious belief" bullshit. Do you center-right democrats have any idea how shitty you come across?

Are you fucking serious?

I subscribed to Showtime online. It's ten bucks a month

Lots and lots of people seem to believe almost every Sanders supporter is some sloppy, shitty bro. That term was designed to make people conflate misogynists with Sanders supporters.

That goes both ways

Shhhh. The children shouldn't speak when in the presence of a master of decades of thinking

Feel free to continue mocking me for being poor and dismissing anyone's dissatisfaction with the government as conspiracy theory nonsense. Again, if the way things have been are working for you, you're lucky and coming from a place of privilege.

There were jerks that were Sanders supporters and jerks that were Clinton supporters. The idea that most people that were into Sanders were violent, misogynistic frat boys was total bullshit.

Whoa. This person is a real adult. They've been thinking for decades!

You stopped being friends with people cause they didn't vote for Clinton? Your former friends are better off.

What criticisms of Hillary Clinton are outright removed from reality in your opinion?