
Yup. Cause I totally said he clearly murdered his sister. I was just pointing out that your reductive post was ignoring other points about the brother.

I mean, in addition to looking weird and creepy, he also broke into his dead sister's voicemail and deleted all her messages and talked about her in the past tense before they found her body, so,,,,,

Yeah, because that was my fucking point.

Um, he isn't just stupid. He has an obvious and severe mental handicap and he was like 16 years old. You're a fucking idiot.

According to Lynch, he isn't and never was:

I took it that they were trying to draw him back into the Black Lodge through the outlet. They tried to take the garmanbozia from him but he held it in and evaded going back.


I've laughed a shit ton during all four episodes so far.

The white horse appeared in Fire Walk With Me. I always thought it was a reference to the horse Laura owned when she was a kid

I think you're the first person I've ever seen call Blue Velvet one of David Lynch's lesser movies. Huh.

I mean, the Farrelly Brothers made a movie that is nothing but a series of fat jokes only to lecture the audience about how mean it is to make fun of people that are different from you.

I think they say 'the cows are not what they seem'

How many Ben Carsons would they vote for?

I live in Washington, too. I qualify for discounted but not free insurance. The discounted rate is still too much for me to afford and also, it comes with a handy dandy $5000 deductible, so it's actually 100% worthless to me.

Nothing gets me more excited to vote for someone than someone else telling me I'm a childish baby because I'm not voting the same way they are

Well, she did vote for the Iraq War, was against gay marriage for a really long time, said Nancy Reagan was a hero to gay people, made a joke about colored people's time, said she would've attacked Syria and stuff but yeah, otherwise she's great.

Maybe if more people had some higher fucking standards about who makes all the laws that affect us, we wouldn't be in this horrible situation in the first place

Totally worked when they were trying to get Clinton elected!

Just want to thank every asshole Clinton supporter for still blaming anyone but Clinton for her loss.

That says way more about you than it does old people in punk rock bands