
Whoops! I didn't sleep much last night. Got my extremist anti gay/anti AIDS public figure confused with a hero for gay rights!

She also fairly recently referred to Nancy Reagan as a champion for gay rights, so maybe she really is a total asshole.

I was disappointed that they spent half of the last season in a lame purgatory for no other reason than to reunite everyone in the end. I liked most of the island stuff but the whole sideways thing was a monumental waste of time. I understand that they couldn't answer away everything but the amount of stuff they

Cell has one of my very least favorite King endings. Revival has my absolute favorite.

I fucking loved it. It's super tense.

Yup, they're all gross. But Clinton took longer and recently called Nancy Reagan a great hero to gay people, so she's a little grosser.

Also, Hillary Clinton being for marriage equality only when it was politically necessary

Snowflakes - Check

What you don't understand is that when people protest a speech and they are successful, that is in no way a violation of the speaker's rights. Freedom of speech means that you are free to say what you want without worrying about the retribution from the government. What you're suggesting is that people (protesters)

It just blows my mind. I feel like if a total stranger said humiliated someone you love in front of all of their peers, you probably wouldn't be okay with it.

You think it's funny for a guest speaker at a university to say in front of the whole school that he would fuck one of the students? What the fuck, man.

You think a speaker invited to speak at a university saying he would fuck one of the students in front of the entire school is okay?

Yeah, the thing about Ack Ack's post is that it wasn't new details in the case that made him reconsider, it was the fact that he now cares about someone that is nearing that age.

I seriously can't believe you think it's alright for a guest speaker at a school to sexually harass a student and suggest to the entire school that the student is a sexual predator. If that was someone you cared about, would you really not have any problem with what he did?

Can I ask why you never thought him drugging and raping a 13 year old was a big deal?

No, "my" difference is that one is a famous talk show host and one is a student that filed a lawsuit. How the fuck do you equate those two?

I know you rewrote your post but you didn't say that a burka is often a sign of repression. You said that you saw a burka in Seattle and that that shouldn't fly here. As a resident of Seattle and someone concerned about hate crimes on Muslims, it felt to me like you are one of the people I would have to protect them

Man, you're a real piece of shit

I live in Seattle, too, and I was thinking this is exactly the kind of place a burka should be able to fly.

Christians are the majority here, so the criticisms of them don't have nearly the same impact. Also, the way people talk about Christians isn't the same as the way they talk about Muslims. I don't know anyone who thinks all Christians are evil but I do hear a lot that all or most Muslims are. Muslims in America are