
He softballed Ann Coulter like crazy

Did you just compare Rush Limbaugh and a student that files a lawsuit?

I basically hate Bill Maher but I've never heard of him going to speak at a school, outing a student for being trans, sexually harassing them and suggesting to the entire school that they're using they're gender identity to be a sexual predator.

You're reducing his targeting of trans students to a "disagreement". His behavior has had real life consequences for the people he's called out.


Father's Day is seriously one of my favorite movies of the last 5 years.

Fingers crossed

We did, too. And it was still miserable to get through. The biggest mistake the first one made was to not embrace the dialogue of the book and make an enjoyably campy bad movie.

One of the many things I love about my girlfriend is we might steal it (when that becomes an option), get stoned and make fun of it

It's fucking crazy to me how many judgmental dorks on movie sites sincerely believe they know the secret reason why some people like certain movies.

I think your extended family and my extended family should get together and go bowling

Block them?

Because maybe you really enjoy the company of that person but can't fucking stand the shit that they post on Facebook. So you could: a). Unfriend that person and risk really hurting their feelings and maybe ending your friendship or b). Unfollow them and stay good in person friends with them


Wait. What does someone else's taste in music have to do with your sudden realization that you are too old for weed?

It's so funny how people have reduced Hillary Clinton's problems to this email thing like there are no other good reasons to think she's an asshole!

What is it about single payer health care that you find to be bullshit?

There is parked car green screen in Trapped in the Closet

Did that negate all the bad things about Hillary Clinton? I don't get it.

What made you feel better about her after the primary?