
She voted for the Iraq War, took wayyyyyy too long to get onboard the gay marriage train, campaigned against single payer health care, called Nancy Reagain an effective advocate for homosexuals, said said some heinous racist shit, recently made a joke about "colored people's time", has the relatability of Mitt Romney,

Botch > Converge

It's wayyyy better with subtitles

I think the fourth season is totally brilliant and was pretty shocked to see it was mostly hated.

Guy Pearce Guy Pearce Guy Pearce

oh my god. for some reason, i thought there were only ten episodes to this fucking thing. i can't for the life of me understand how they're going to stretch it out that long. i might have to bail. i liked this episode pretty well but i don't know if i can make it five more episodes.

I loved The House That Drips Blood on Alex but he just acted in that. I'll check out The Tommy Wi-show.

It's too bad he seems content with coasting off The Room forever and ever. The Neighbors is unwatchable fucking garabage. Neil Breen >>>>>>>>>>> Tommy Wiseau.