
It looks like the underside ripped in half, I don’t think there could have been a stronger point to hook into.

I portuguese, they’d be going from “Bad Luck” to “Penis”. Not really an evolution...

It must be nice to live in a place where people don’t pile bricks/rocks inside snowmen.

I’d be so happy if it were pigeon poop in my car, instead of that nasty seagull and magpie crap.

Not for the multitool. That’s usually something you use in a pinch, and a crappy one can leave you a worse situation than you were before.

I have a remote starter, I can start and unlock my car from my living room in the 8th floor. I have never tried to drive away without the fob though, now I’m curious about that...

Also, pretty sure shooting in residentials areas is a big nono with the police.

Dropping a truck on the ground makes considerable more noise.

You could say the same thing about doors, but you still have them, don’t you?

I’d add every car chase ever. If a cop in a busted ass Crown Vic is keeping up with a supposed top of the line muscle/ricer/exotic/racing/rally driven by a genius driver then the car and the driver aren’t that special, are they?

I want this on my car :(

If you’re weaponizing teletransport, there’s a lot simplifications you can make. You don’t care for the output shape of transported enemies, for one. Or just make it transport water molecules 90 degrees to the left.

I thought it came with the cover :( My car has an actual cigarette lighter that I have no use for.

I thought it came with the cover :( My car has an actual cigarette lighter that I have no use for.

Just have a transporter drone outside your shields. Then you can even send it way ahead and get the other guys by surprise.

Left nice covered parking at work to get home to uncovered parking. Huge hail storm hit while on the elevator up, by the time I got up, saw the shitstorm, and went back down to get my car somewhere covered, it was already all dented.

Any F-150. Too small for the field, too big for the city, exact size for douchebags.

Unless they get a Fiat Fremont.

What did the RX-8 retail for? Probably going to be around that. (accounting for inflation and all)

This. With eyelashes to complete the package.