Brian Wolters

I remember meeting George Takei at a Trek Convention in 1989 and due to the box office performance for Star Trek V, he announced it would be the final film and thanked us fans for giving them 5 films. It was pretty final for sure…so thankful the studio let them go out on VI. Wish The Next Generation would get a better

Yes…DeForest Kelley's "pain" scene was awesome…just rewatched the V last night and forgot how good it was.

Yes…I can re-watch this move than I can Nemesis. It is charming in its badness and Kelly delivers a great performance during his "pain" scene.

Agreed…Nemesis is a well made movie but frustrating continuity errors and a plot that really is kind of boring…

YES…I echo your comments. The movie is endearing. I totally loved the WARP SPEED NOW scene, even with the bad effects. And I totally agree on Nemesis as well…just not a fun movie and had so many continuity errors…

I have to totally agree here. Star Trek V is an Enigma. It is not a good movie but it is watchable in spite of itself. The humor is very bad yet why do I look forward to it and even chuckle? And like you said, I appreciate the sincerity of what they were trying to do with this film. It does contain the best laugh in