
That’s just what I was thinking. Not that I have any reason not to believe the OP. But it just seems to me that there would have to be more done to prove an actual infraction for a 24-hour voice ban. If I were the OP I would certainly find out any and all information available to make sure that something like this

You are not alone. I love reading complaints about the mission structure being “go here, kill guys; go there, kill guys” because that describes the vast majority of games as a whole. The Division is the only game I’ve played where I even understood why people could like ‘endgame’. Progression is my jam, grinding is

Seriously? Has Russell Wilson’s faith ever hurt anyone? I mean, if that’s going to be your criteria for deciding who to root for, I think the choice between a guy who beats a child and a guy who is a little too pious is pretty easy...