
Explain how "Friend codes" are more secure than the XBox parental controls.

I'm not bashing the writer, but the entire premise of this was kind of flawed. The "stress" of the situation boils down to losing a $30 account. He clearly wasn't playing any of his other characters, so who cares. It certainly wasn't the dramatic "hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in subscription fees", espcially

Alot of the pro-Indy 4 comments sound like the exact same "excuses" people were making about the new Star Wars films when they first came out.

He started to "talk back"?

I'm not going to say that accomplishment in video games is meaningful, but let's be objective here - "I can throw this metal ball farther than this person!" and "Look how highly I'm scored when I swing from these hoops!" isn't exactly curing cancer.

I'd estimate that about 75% of the people from Kotaku who "read" this article just skimmed it to find the hot ones.

@FanDam: Can you give me an example of a scene in a PG-13 movie that is as bad as some of the M-rated games?

Nothing is better than ripping out a heart while drinking an ice-cold Coors Light.

I think the fundamental flaw in all of these types of arguments is that by the time you're 13 or 14, stuff targeted towards adults (21-40) hits you too.

At one point I had insomnia where 1-2x a week I would be up until 5 or 6am before getting a few hours sleep and stumbling into work.
