This jumped out at me:
But the whole avocado toast thing has GOT to have something to do with it? I ordered it at breakfast the other day because it was the only thing I could stomach and I got a piece of artisanal bread the size of a deck of cards with what seemed to be about four mashed avocados piled on top. WTF? I felt guilty cause I…
“Agree with me or perish.”
You think femnazis understand logic?
There is a real class division in how people view potlucks. Higher income people view them as lazy and cheap. Most blue collar folks see them as fun and a great way to have a party. There are a lot of people who can’t afford to invite 20-30 people over to eat. Blue collar folks also don’t usually do wine/ hors…
One of the commentators said that the only reason the WR line was anywhere near her during the race was because it was her record. She was racing herself.
As a water person, it was my first comment about watching her, and it’s because of her stroke. Seriously. Her mechanics are very similar to the way men swim. I think it’s awesome she can and does KILL it.
This is apparently a common thing said about her because apparently the way she swims (her mechanics, stroke, etc...) are unique and closer in style to the way the top men swim than the top women swim. Not like “lol she’s a dude.”
Shame on you, but more importantly, shame on me for laughing so hard +1
That guy is going to have so many deformed kids in 9 months...
But how did you explain that turban to them?
Well we have to embrace feminism through our relationships with women, we cant BE women. I dont really get what you mean. The relationships with women in my life have made me a feminist, but I very rarely speak about it or try make statements on behalf of women. Its just a personal belief that I feel strongly about. I…
Actions speak louder than words too. My dad would never call himself a feminist, but he’s always been one. He and my mom had an egalitarian relationship when I was growing up, sharing responsibilities. Dad cooked, cleaned, did laundry, took care of my brother and I, and in general acted like my mother was an adult…
She’s Britney, bitch.
No. No. No. First of all, not a guy. Second, I don’t buy into that its-your-fault-you-got-drunk-around-a-dude-you-should’ve-expected-to-get-raped bullshit either. I do, however, think it’s important to feminism for women to stop playing this victim crap. She said he coerced her over a number of weeks. If she felt…
This sounds like a coverup to me. I assume what actually happened is that she unhinged her jaw, stretched her mouth open to the size of a manhole cover, and then seized these staffers with her tentacles, shoving their bodies whole into her gaping maw, later regurgitating their bones and clothes in compact pellets.
Sweet jesus, how great is that GIF?
It’s not at all surprising that most of his writers haven’t changed for years. Changing over to a new show doesn’t mean it’s the perfect opportunity to hire more people-he’s still in New York, he’s still doing the same sort of show. I can’t get behind firing perfectly good writers for the sake of increasing diversity.
Well, I am a Person of Color (Indian Colored, to be exact) and I agree with Colbert.