
The best part about Thane were his eyes. Why would you want to cover them up ? :(

@netMASA: What are you saying? I'm too busy playing with superior graphics, dedicated servers and all of my free content to hear you !

Weird, I though FFXIII would only sell to die-hard FF fans here in the west. I didn't think it would have been very popular. In pleasantly surprised.

I lol'd pretty hard at the Ralph one and the mw2 one :P

@RammyX: MW2 did not top that bar set by cod4. Well at least on PC it didn't. MW2 on pc was a horrible game, and I regret buying it. I'm glad that DICE actually cares about it's PC fan base.

Red Dead Revolver will be released on May 18 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

So are we getting PC codes also?

I wish this would be free for PC, to make up for the horrible experiance so far. ( mostly lag related )

Is it just me, or was Bioshock 2 a lot less scary ? The original bioshock made me shat my pants a few times because of random corpses pined to walls, ghostly visions, splicers that appear out of nowhere, very dark areas, etc.

Playstation Home : Second Life.

This is acceptable with a game like C&C, where dedicated servers didn't forge the experience. Where this is unacceptable, is on PC shooters. Supposed-to-be good shooters like Modern Warfare 2. The deciding factor that made me purchase cod 4 for PC over the 360 was the epic mod tools, dedidacted servers and user

This is exactly why FFXIII and Mass Effect 2 are on multiple discs. I wouldn't mind disc swaping, I find it's a good idea if it's gonna mean more content.

this will be cracked from day 1. Even before if it gets leaked.

Who cares? I wish developpers would spend time on the game itself rather than making said game's only selling point sex appeal.

This is extremely well-timed with what I am doing in class right now : Does the internet slang destroy written proper english?

I don't wanna look like someone with parkinsons at a rave when playing natal games. Poor advertisement.

You know that opening sequence/intro in bioshock 2 ? Well that's what I would like to see. Bioshock 2 multiplayer setting. Let's all see exactly how rapture went to shit.

Anyone else NOT hyped for the new splinter cell ? I find that they destroyed the game. It's not longer Theif style, but more like Rainbow Six : Splinter Cell.

@R0bster: Crackdown 1 looked pretty poor screenshot wise, but I was very impressed by the final product :D