And this is exactly what is wrong with gaming today.
And this is exactly what is wrong with gaming today.
I live in Montreal, and I was disappointed that you didn't get to explore the city. The plateau is indeed a very nice place, I go there every once in a while. One thing I found odd while in Montreal was that I didn't see any french signs anywhere. Maybe the official language was changed back to English? (Finally). Or…
@SilverBlade2k: 0/10
Anyone know what the song playing in the background is?
@Se7en_speed: Not by much? Charging 1200$ for technology used back in 2005. Dual core 2.4ghz processors and nvidia 320m's are standard. Those components are beyond ancient. For the price of a MacBook pro, I'd expect at bare minimum an i5.
@lopey: For the exact same reasons, I switched to PC gaming. I don't regret it.
@MrBionic: That's because we've been paying the same amount that the US just got this entire time, with no benefits whatsoever. Their excuse? The Canadian dollar is weak derp derp. A 5-7 cent difference doesn't justify 20% price increases on everything sold by Microsoft.
It's a shame they justify the price increase on very bad exclusives.
@buddhatooda: The very very common term for the United States of America is simply 'America'. I'm Canadian and I've never once referred to my country as 'America', although I can't count the number of times the US as be referenced as such.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC for sure. The immersion while under the labs, especially the first one, was incredibly frightening yet absolutely amazing.
Honestly, it's just a question of awareness. Companies are getting away with selling games that are 69.99$ and 79.99$ (here in Canada) on consoles, whether-as the PC community bitched on EA and Activision for selling their games for 59.99$ on PC. The normal argument for the augmented price tag on consoles is that they…
The best thing that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo can do for their next gen? Not make another gen, and redirect players towards PC's. Of course that will be the day that unicorns riding on Gabe Newell will sproud out of Mr. Kotict's ass.
@RiotControl: What happened? Consoles and casual gamers happened. It's sad that almost all games these days have gone backwards in time. Where the hell did 64 player multiplayer go?
@SG-17: yes but SOCOM is good...
This is like going from Metroid: Fusion (pure goddamn genius) to Metroid: Other M (meh tier at most).
@excaliburps: So I'm going to assume that you played the MoH PC beta. Now let me begin: I was kinda excited to see a new medal of honor coming out when it was first announced, because MoH: frontline, allied assault and rising sun are some of my most favorite games of all time. Airborne was complete shit though. I was…
Lol @ people wanting to buy the steaming pile of shit that is the new MoH.