
Let's talk about motion controllers for consoles( besides the Wii ). I find them to be a horrible idea. I don't want my xbox to be a high def Wii. I would hate to see consoles ruined by motion controllers. This is probably one of Sony's and Microsoft's worst ideas yet, I'm sure they can do better than trying to

Would you purchase a new television to support 3D gaming.

Pirating? HAHAHA, that doesn't exist !

I remember when my 256mb 8500 GT was super good. I now have a 9400 GT 1GB, pretty good card for 50$.

Yay, more useless facebook junk that the ps3 didn't need aswell! Downloading asap.

@Skyman747: well according to them, a teen rating hopefuly gets you more sales. I personally think that's stupid...but ok.

I don't recall that Teen rated games selling more than mature rated games....

@Th12eat: No, I was just making a silly comment. I found it funny that he said : "I've been playing this World of Warcraft game".

Pitty dat foo.

@Cake Tank!: nope, just in frenchfag cananda.

Some of my ( 18 year old ) friends shat their pants when they heard the word ' fuck ' in fallout 3. Let's see how they will handle this one.


I hope borderlands wins best RPG. I liked it a lot better than dragon age.

I've played my share of console and PC MW2, and I say that PC takes it just for the fact that you aren't playing agaisnt 11 year olds.

I'm glad AC2 got what it deserved ; good scores. It lived up to, and surpassed my expectations.

@Koztah: well the whole PQ for example. They are about as separatist as it gets.

It will probably be another teaser like the first trailer.

Are the editors on kotaku regular 4chan users? Because many articles I see have stuff only people on 4chan would get...

I've been dying to ask him some questions.